Please please help...I'm going nuts trying to upgrade Parallels 3.0

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by mavakil, Jun 17, 2007.

  1. mavakil

    mavakil Member

    I LOVE Parallels. But I'm going crazy trying to upgrade it.

    I have bought Parallels almost a year ago and have been installing all the udpates. I get an alert that there's an update, I click Ok, follow all instructions that pop up, all of which happen so seamlessly and's beautiful.

    Now, although I've received my key on purchasing Parallels 3.0, I've not received any instructions on how to update it from my existing installation of Parallels.
    - Do I wait for automatic instructions to udpate it?
    - Do I click on "check for Updates"
    - Do I download a fresh copy of Parallels 3.0?

    What do I do? I have not received any instructions, and check for Updates, doesn't help either.

    Although I once did recieve a notifcation on launching Parallels that do I want to Purchase an upgrade of 3.0. I declined that notification and selected a check box never to ask me again, because I had already purchased it.

    Please help. Having purchased 3.0 and received the key, what's the next immediate action I should do to upgrade from my existing version of Parallels to 3.0.

    Thanks in advance everybody!
  2. Rachel Faith

    Rachel Faith Hunter

    There is a link to 3.0 at the top of this forum. It is a full download. But, it will install LIKE an update. One and the same. Make a BACKUP FIRST !! Copy yer whole VM to another directory. 3.0 has worked fine for many upgrades. Others have had a total nightmare and NO ONE KNOWS WHY !

    So, copy yer VM to be safe. Download 3.0. Install the "upgrade". Convert your drive (auto when you launch after install). And install new tools (like before).

    PRAY you don't have issues.

    The end.

    Good luck.
  3. mavakil

    mavakil Member

    Hi Rachel,

    Thanks so much for your super prompt reply! Much appreciated.

    And thanks for the tip on backup too. Just one last clarification, when you say that I copy the VM, I assume you're referring to the VM folder in the Applications folder inst it ?

    Keep smiling Rachel :)
  4. Rachel Faith

    Rachel Faith Hunter

    wherever the hdd and other files are.... copy them to someplace other that is safe. Name a folder like VM Backup or something. Do that religiously.... cause there have been too many issues and you DO NOT wanna play it loose like I did and get hosed.

    = (

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