Problem with upgraded host OS

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by JulianB, Aug 21, 2009.

  1. JulianB

    JulianB Bit poster

    I recently upgraded my Macbook from Tiger to Leopard, after which, Parallels had graphical representation issues. When opening the Parallels Desktop, before booting Windows XP, the button graphics have the incorrect pixel colors. For instance, the blue and white "full screen" button has a yellow tint over the whole button. It is the same with every image, and when I boot Windows, the whole screen is a pixelized nightmare. I am able to pick out the screen, icons, and whatnot, but every move of the mouse, will change the screen to different skewed pixels. I am running Build 1848 of Parallels, and when I use the automatic updater, It does not run. Any advice is much appreciated, I would like to find a solution or a patch before resorting to a full reinstall, if possible.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Anupama A

    Anupama A Pro

    Hello Julian,

    I would request you to perform below steps:

    1. Click on the below link to download the DMG file of latest update of Parallels 2.5:

    2. After downloading the DMG file, open it and choose uninstall and make sure to select Smart Select.

    3. Then open the same DMG file and choose install.

    4. Launch Parallels Desktop and start Windows.

    5. Uninstall Parallels Tools from add or remove programs(start menu/control panel), after uninstalling, restart Windows.

    6. Install Parallels Tools from Actions tab on top menu bar.

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