Problems Backing up hdd file

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by MichaelH, Dec 2, 2008.

  1. MichaelH

    MichaelH Bit poster

    I have a Windows XP hdd file which I can't copy or back up. I've tried backing up to an external disk and even copying or duplicating it to another directory won't work. It copies most of the 37Gb file and then comes up with the error message:

    The Finder cannot complete the operation because some data in "winxp.hdd" could not be read or written.
    (Error code -36)

    Now this is a general I/O error and I have run both the Disk Utility repair tool and booted in single user mode on my MacBook and run fsck.

    The strange thing is that my parallels VM continues to boot using this HDD and I haven't had any problems with it.

    I'm running out of options and I hate not being able to back up my hdd. Are there any utilities to check the consistency of an hdd?

  2. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    Hello, make sure you have enough priveleges to copy the .hdd file. You should have "read and write" permissions. Right click on .hdd file and choose appropriate option.
  3. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Check following
    1. Enough disk space
    2. Directory is not located on external drive, which maybe disconnected
    3. navigate to folder where hdd is located in Terminal and perform following command
    ls -RlOa
    make sure that 5 column is showing - not uchg or any other flags
    4. Make sure external drive is not FAT32, you can use HPFS file system
  4. sandro

    sandro Parallels Developers


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