Removing 'Parallels Shared Folders.lnk' from the Desktop

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by HZC, Aug 14, 2007.

  1. HZC

    HZC Member

    I run Windows 99.9% of the time in Coherence mode. This of course means that the Windows desktop is hidden. I use the desktop all the time as a temporary work area, which I believe is what it was meant to be used for. So, when I download data or am currently working on a file I've received via e-mail, for example, I'll save it to the desktop so that I'll remember to file it away later in a folder that makes sense, or chuck it if I no longer need it. This said, I do keep my desktop clean.

    Now in order to have just one desktop, my Mac desktop - since the other is hidden - I use 'Tweak UI' (My Computer -> Special Folders) to change the Windows desktop to point to \\.PSF\.Home\Desktop. Then when using Windows applications, it's easy to select the Desktop with one click in the Save As dialog and have it show up on my Mac Desktop.

    This works well, and even things like 'My Computer' and the Recycle Bin DON'T show up on the Mac side. Perfect!

    However, Parallels keeps adding the 'Parallels Shared Folders.lnk' to the desktop which I do not need. I'm no longer a novice Parallels User and I know how to type '\\.PSF' when I want to get to my shared folders. I've tried moving the icon to the upper left of my Mac desktop where it's out of the way, but every now and then Parallels does a refresh of sorts which seems to delete and recreate the shortcut, making it spring back to the right side of my dekstop.

    Is there a way to remove this all together? If not, I hope the next version of Parallels will add an option to remove this.
  2. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers


    To remove Parallels Shared Folder link from the desktop please do the following:

    1. Open Parallels Tools center in Windows.
    2. Select Shared Folders tab and unselect Place Shortcut on the Desktop option.


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