Spaces indicator (virtual desktop indicator)

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox Feature Suggestions' started by PedroT3, Aug 27, 2023.

  1. PedroT3

    PedroT3 Bit poster

    I think it could be useful if the invisible Spaces (virtual desktops) were somehow permanently visible in the menu bar. This way, without doing a three-finger-swipe-up, one can see how many spaces are in use.
    Maybe this indicator could consist of just small rounded rectangles, like small screens, each representing a space, with a number for each space. Or one rectangle, holding the total number of spaces.
    Moving the mouse pointer over the rectangles could give an overview of all spaces. It could be clickable...
    MatthewR20 likes this.
  2. Aydaskhan Asochakov

    Aydaskhan Asochakov Staff Member

    Thank you for posting on Parallels Forum.
    We've forwarded your request to the respective team for further discussion.
    We don't know when and if it will be implemented, but in any case - we will let you know.
    Should you have any additional questions, let us know.
    Have a great week ahead!

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