Spontaneous launch of 8 bash procs that each run bsdtar using up almost all CPU

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox for Mac' started by StephenP13, Jan 17, 2024.

  1. StephenP13

    StephenP13 Bit poster

    Parallels Toolbox for Mac does this spontaneously every few days.
    Anyone have any idea why and, even better, how to make it stop?
    I currently must Force Quit each bsdtar instance otherwise the system remains almost unusable.

    Screen Shot 2024-01-17 at 10.57.33 AM.png
    lancerkind likes this.
  2. Pramesh Boodadoo

    Pramesh Boodadoo Staff Member

    Please note that this issue has already been fixed in the latest version of Parallels Toolbox.Since you already have an active Parallels Toolbox, we recommend you to upgrade to the latest build by following the instructions in this article.
    If for any specific reason, you cannot upgrade to the latest build, then as a possible work-around, kindly follow the below steps:
    1. Quit Parallels Toolbox.
    2. Go to the /Users/test/Library/Logs folder.
    3. Then, scroll down to find the ParallelsToolbox folder.
    4. Open the ParallelsToolbox folder and delete all the files from it.
    5. Then, right-click on the ParallelsToolbox folder and select "Get Info".
    6. Change the permissions on the folder: set your user "test" to Read Only and set Everyone to No Access.
    7. Start the Parallels Toolbox app.
    Thank you.
    lancerkind likes this.
  3. StephenP13

    StephenP13 Bit poster

    Thank you for the quick response. I've upgraded to 6.6.1 (4908).
    Previously I was running 2.6.1 (1620) but 'Check for Updates ...' showed 'You have the latest version of Parallels Toolbox'. Perhaps it was using an expired licence ... I dunno and it's too late to check now.
    Mikhail Ushakov likes this.
  4. lancerkind

    lancerkind Bit poster

    What are the expectations upon installing the Parallels Tools update? In my case, I installed the update but the bsdtar processes are still running.
  5. Adeboye Adeotan

    Adeboye Adeotan Staff Member

    Hello Lancer,

    Are you still experiencing this issue after installing the latest update?

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