SSO on 2008 R2 Breaks TS Logon

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by jsinclair, Feb 20, 2010.

  1. jsinclair

    jsinclair Guest

    I am currently using our 2X App Server on a 2003 server to provide access to legacy applications (Internet Exlporer 6) in our 2008 R2 TS (Remote Desktop) enviornment. I have upgraded our 2X AppServer to the latest 8.0 suite and am using the 8.0 client on the terminal server. I have also installed and enabled to SSO component so users can double click the icon on their desktop and not even notice it's pulling it from another server. Now, with the SSO component installed, my terminal server SSO is broken. If I try and login and pass credentials for SSO, it just ignores and brings up the logon screen with the "Other User" icon. You then have to select this and enter your credentials to login. The reason why this is an important functionallity for us is we have a Juniper SSL VPN that will lauch the TS session and pass the credentials. This does not work with the SSO component installed on the 2008 R2 terminal server. If I uninstall the client (stopping the service doesn't make a difference) then it will work. I can't imagine many people are using 2X for this purpose, so I'm afraid I'm gonna get the answer I don't exactly want and have to take a time machine back to the 5.x days where SSO wasn't possible. I can provide more information if requested. Thanks in advance for any help!
  2. davidsaliba

    davidsaliba Guest

  3. mrzatox23

    mrzatox23 Guest

    I have the same problem.

    Will there be a fix for this issue?
  4. davidsaliba

    davidsaliba Guest

    The issue has already been reported and will be looked into when time permits.
  5. mrzatox23

    mrzatox23 Guest

    Is there an update on this issue?

    I dont understand that while its the end of 2010 and Windows 2008 R2 is more than a year on the market, the 2x client is not fully compatible with this OS. :cry:
  6. jurgencachia

    jurgencachia Guest


    Wwindows 2008 R2 is fully supported with v8.1.938. as a server OS.

    SSO was developed to work on windows client operating systems not server ones. 2008 R2 is not classified as a client.
    It will not be supported for the client.

  7. Guys

    Just to bump this back up - is SSO supported on Windows Server 2008 R2? We our moving our thin client farm (2000 users) across from Win Server 2003 to Win Server 2008 R2, and 2X client prompts for a password on connection.

    We need this supported.
  8. Guys

    Just to bump this back up - is SSO supported on Windows Server 2008 R2? We our moving our thin client farm (2000 users) across from Win Server 2003 to Win Server 2008 R2, and 2X client prompts for a password on connection.

    We need this supported.
  9. Member

    We are using SSO successfully in conjunction with Windows Server 2008 R2 at two customer sides with 200+ users.

    I would suggest to check the Microsoft Technet article at ... 42808.aspx
    for some helpfull basic information on this.
  10. Hi (and others),

    Do you have Windows Server 2008 R2 users (via Remote Desktop) using the 2X client with SSO?

    The problem I face is that if I install 2X Client on Win2008R2, users get prompted for their password upon opening 2X Client, and for each application they open.



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