Trouble with clipboard integration / parallels tools in RHEL5

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by gururoji, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. gururoji

    gururoji Bit poster

    At my job, there are many of us running RHEL5 under parallels in Leopard (and some in Tiger) on MacBook Pros. Everyone I have talked to has succesfully installed Parallels Tools. Things like the sharing of the system clock, resizing the display, and not having to manually attach/detach the mouse to the window all work. However, copy and paste (clipboard integration) doesn't seem to work for any of us in either direction whatsoever.

    I've tried searching the forums and have seen very little about Red Hat Enterprise Linux (I saw some post saying Tools weren't supported in RHEL3), so I don't know if this is a specific issue with it or if there is some more general easy part of the setup that we are all missing.

    Any help would be enormously appreciated.
  2. MaximS

    MaximS Forum Maven

    Parallels Tools for Linux have not clipboard synchronization supported yet.

    You would find this if you searched in Parallels Knowledge Base. There are lot of useful information.
  3. gururoji

    gururoji Bit poster

    Thanks, I actually did find that for myself this morning just before coming back to check this thread. Everything makes a lot of sense now.

    Knowledge Base Article is here:

    Are there plans to implement this in the future, and if so do you have any idea of when? I know these questions are often futile but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask.

    Other than really wishing the clipboard integration was there, Parallels has worked very well for us. Thank you for your support of this product.
  4. gururoji

    gururoji Bit poster

    Synergy -- a copy/paste helper that works OK in Parallels

    I thought I'd bump this thread in order to mention Synergy (, an app meant for clipboard and keyboard/mouse sharing across networked computers. It seems to run under Parallels just fine, although for some reason I'm only able to use it to copy out of RHEL5 in Parallels into Mac OS X, not the other way around (probably just a config issue I need to figure out). Power users probably know about this app already, but I thought I'd mention it so other people newer to the scene (like I am) might find it.

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