Unable to activate older version of Parallels Desktop

Discussion in 'Licensing and Activation' started by thanar, Dec 20, 2022.

  1. thanar

    thanar Member

    OK, I've bought numerous versions of Parallels Desktop over the years, I just bought Parallels 18 a couple of weeks back. However, this thread is on an old version issue I am facing.

    I am trying to install Parallels 11 on an older Mac, for which I have bought a licence a few years ago. The license is listed I'm by account, under "Legacy Licenses" tab.

    However, as soon as I install Parallels Desktop 11, from Parallels' own servers (https://kb.parallels.com/5802), and installing the software, activation fails with some "check your internet connection" error. Chat support claims that they do not provide support for this older version, while at the same time they insist that they do not block me from using an older version.

    What's going on here?
  2. Davige49

    Davige49 Junior Member

    I have the exact same issue. Trying to activate Parallels 11 on an older Mac and can't get past the Sign In screen. Why is Parallels blocking activation? My old computer will not take a newer version and I have a valid unused legacy license. Parallels KB is no help. The supposed fixes do not work. C'mon Parallels, do the honorable thing here and let us activate our old version.
    AlexBo1 and thanar like this.
  3. Avinash Bundhoo

    Avinash Bundhoo Staff Member

    We have sent you a private message to request for additional information to proceed further with your request.
    Thank you.
  4. Davige49

    Davige49 Junior Member

    None of the solutions in your private emails, forums or knowledgebase work as I and others have stated. The bottom line is that Parallels is blocking registration of older versions with valid legacy licenses which some of us with older hardware need to use for various reasons. I have been a loyal Parallels user, upgrading 6 times since v6. How about a little respect, Parallels!
    thanar likes this.
  5. Davige49

    Davige49 Junior Member

    Still blocked & no response. Shame on Parallels!
    AlexBo1 likes this.
  6. Avinash Bundhoo

    Avinash Bundhoo Staff Member

    Hello @Davige93,
    We requested some information and waiting for a response from you.
    Please share screenshot of ant error message
    Please check your private message
  7. Davige49

    Davige49 Junior Member

    Responded to your email.
  8. Avinash Bundhoo

    Avinash Bundhoo Staff Member


    We have reset the HWID of the legacy key.

    To activate Parallels Desktop 11, please follow the steps below
    1. Open macOS Terminal
    2. Type the command below
    prlsrvctl activate-license-online

    If it doesn't help, perform the steps below:

    0. Quit Parallels Desktop.
    1. Open Finder > Go > Go to Folder > paste the following path: /Library/Preferences/Parallels/
    2. Remove the licenses.xml file and start Parallels Desktop again.
    3. Try activating Parallels Desktop once again.

    For more information, please go to the following link https://kb.parallels.com/en/123511
  9. Davige49

    Davige49 Junior Member

    I responded to your new email. Those step did not work.
  10. Avinash Bundhoo

    Avinash Bundhoo Staff Member

    We have sent to you a private message. Please login Parallels Forums and go to your Inbox
  11. Davige49

    Davige49 Junior Member

    I don't think you understand the issue. It's not the license key that's the issue, it's the Sign In screen that's blocking registration. I can't get past the Sign In screen to enter a license key.
    AlexBo1 likes this.
  12. Davige49

    Davige49 Junior Member

    I have tried everything including connecting my computer directly to my modem, bypassing my router. Same problem. There is something in Parallels 11 registration Sign In that is blocking the internet. The only thing it will allow me to do is upgrade to a new version. I think that says it all, Parallels!
  13. Davige49

    Davige49 Junior Member

    9 days later no further response from Parallels. They are blocking registration of legally obtained legacy product licenses, no doubt, in a effort to get users to upgrade. But those of us with older computers can't upgrade so it's a lose-lose situation. Sadly, Bootcamp is the only option. Goodbye, Parallels.
    JasonM44 and AlexBo1 like this.
  14. AlexBo1

    AlexBo1 Bit poster

    maybe we should file a lawsuit?
  15. AlexBo1

    AlexBo1 Bit poster

    Parallels company doesn't really respect those who choose their product, and here's why - in 2014 I bought Parallels Desktop for Mac, since then I haven't changed the operating system on my Mac, I was fine and everything worked, but after I updated the system Mac OS, my Parallels has been installed, but the servers of the Parallels company specifically do not allow you to enter an electronic key to register the product. The support says that the version is old, but I have an old laptop and an old Mac OS on it. How can I continue to work?!! It's like you go to the hospital and they don't give you medicine because you're 60 years old...Parallels Desktop for Mac DOESN'T WORK! It's okay, but many people have this problem!!! Go to the forum and see themselves! Support answers once a day!!! All this company policy is aimed at deceiving you! So that you pay every time! You buy a program - but it does not work!
  16. Avinash Bundhoo

    Avinash Bundhoo Staff Member

    Hello Alex,

    Please check your inbox. We have replied to your other posts on forums as well.

    AlexBo1 likes this.
  17. AlexBo1

    AlexBo1 Bit poster

    Hello, Avinash.
    Check PM.
  18. Avinash Bundhoo

    Avinash Bundhoo Staff Member


    I have replied to your questions. Please check your PM

  19. EhduardK

    EhduardK Bit poster

    Same problem. Can't activate Parallels 11 with licence.
  20. Avinash Bundhoo

    Avinash Bundhoo Staff Member

    Hello Ehduard,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    Kindly check your inbox. We have sent to your the instructions.


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