Hi, I have successfully installed OS/2 4 Warp but can't load from hard disk. I got error message the locked device driver load. I think it cause by selecting wrong network card. Please tell me what is kind of network card did parallel emulate for OS/2?
I want to know what kind of device emulate for OS/2. sound card, network card etc? Please provide a link if possible.
I don't have any experience with running Warp 4 in a virtual machine, but I do use eComStation (the successor to OS/2 Warp). I think what you need to do is to use the network card driver that comes with Parallels workstation. To do that, mount the file "VMTOOLS.FDD" as your floppy drive. During installation, when asked to select a network card, select "Other", point to the "A:" drive (your simulated floppy drive), and navigate to the directory A:\RTL8029\OS2. OS/2 will then install the appropriate driver. Steve Crutchfield
Sorry, I can't help with your problem but would be grateful for a quick simple explanation of how you installed it. I have tried several times without success. I've created the disk images and they appear to have started the install process, but I get no further. If you have the time to answer, would be great! Salamat
First, I connect to DOS image or DOS boot disk. Then run cdinst(located on CDROM) from command prompt. - OS/2 installer ask for 3 diskette for installation. So you must have 3 diskette or 3 disk image. What I did I make 3 copies of the DOS image. - OS/2 ask to insert 1 diskette, insert 1st diskette or link to 1st disk image(Devices->Floppy select 1st image) - Make a same thing to 2nd and 3rd. - Shutdown vm and set 1st boot is floppy disk. - OS/2 installer boot, ask for 2nd disk. Change your diskette or image(Devices->floppy->choose image). - Follow the instructions, in my case, I choose advance setup. -
Yes, thank you. I have successfully connected to network already. Installed driver from parallels CDROM installation.
Thanks for that. If I remember correctly. I got that far but don't think I chose advance setup, but then it went wrong. Will try again and if I may, ask for help again. Salamat
I choose advance setup because I want to format the hard disk to clear up previous unsuccessfully installation.