Unable to start PDT at System Start

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by jhutchins, Nov 24, 2008.

  1. jhutchins

    jhutchins Bit poster

    I need Parallels to start when the Mac boots for a headless server setup. I was able to do this in 3.0 by placing the pvs file in the default user's login items.

    I have tried that with 4.0, and it says it can't connect to Parallels. On advice from tech support, I have tried copying the Parallels application file into the StartupItems folder. This causes a message to appear saying an item has the wrong permissions on reboot. When I click the "fix" button for that item, the system restarts and NOTHING happens. I have tried using a copy of the app file, a shortcut, and moving the original app file. I have tried both with and without having the pvm in the default user's login items, with the same results.

    If we can't fix this, I need three keys for 3.0 so I can install these systems and get them working. I can't afford the downtime, I've promised these to clients.
  2. jhutchins

    jhutchins Bit poster

    Oh, I have also tried all the above with the new 3540 build, same results.

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