unmountable boot volume/win xp... many questions - please help!

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by chichixl, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. chichixl

    chichixl Bit poster

    i am sick and can't see straight from all i've been going through in the past 24 hours to deal with thus issue. i have been on this forum and all over the internet trying to find a solution to the BSOD/reboot revolving door of hell i am stuck in.

    i've tried to run the recovery console to FIXBOOT and repair install... neither of those things worked. right now, i'm again in recovery console and trying to run chkdsk /r. i've been stuck at 51% completed for about the past hour and some. so i'm thinking this isn't working either.

    my main concern is all my files on windows that i don't have backed up. i've read a few things about 'cloning' the hdd file on the mac side, but i don't really understand it. (not so much that i'm stupid, but i'm overwhelmed with all the info i've taken in.) so here are my questions:

    if i 'clone' the hdd file from the mac side to an external hard drive, is that saving all my files?

    if so, how do i access my files? does it have to be through another parallels vm or what?

    will they even be accessible with the unmountable boot issue?

    can i load boot camp and get into the exsisting windows install? (or retrieve files from it?)

    basically... i just want to know how to get and be able to access my files from windows. i can go back and reintall everything later... i just need access to my data so i can finish my work on another machine.

    i'm at my wits end, and i apologize in advance if this post seems a bit jumbled. any help to get me to my files is appreciated.


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