So in 8.10 Ubuntu moved to the new X windows that is suposed to detect your video system. It doesn't seem to work in parallels, It will only run in low-res mode. Any one figure out how to get it to work?
im using build 5624. When I try to install the parallels tools, it says xorg 1.5.2 vers found, it wants 1.5
Same problem here--Ubuntu 8.10 and build 5624. I was hoping that since 5624 is supposed to be a more stable build for Linux it would be able to handle the newest release. Let me know if I can provide any information that will help solve this. Seems like it should be able to handle xorg 1.5.2... is it that drastically different?
Not drastically, but as mentioned in another thread, we are working to have some kind of updated tools
But cheers at least for including Xorg 1.4 in the parallels tools. The "Check for updates" did not detect the new update for me yesterday. I think all the people that haven't done the latest dist-upgrade (I did it yesterday unfortunately) would be very happy to know about this new Parallels release. BTW: I noticed that the timestamp in the parallels tools was in September. Maybe you guys should consider releasing the tools independent of the "Desktop" package (at least for the upgrades). I could imagine that the release process on your end for these bits is much shorter than the one for the host part. For the tools package I would even consider testing a betha version, because I'm really missing the Xorg video support.
Same Just FYI Y'all, Just checking in as another use with the same problem with ubuntu-8.10 "Found xorg version 1.5.2 Installation for xorg.1.5 not found"
I just discovered that I made a snapshot just before the upgrade and that rsyncing the recent changes of home directory back into that old snapshot made me enjoy the Parallels Video driver again. I have to admit that virtualization is quite cool. ;-) And I would making a snapshot just before a dist-upgrade a recommended procedure.
I don't recommend snapshots as a sort of backup/fail-safe method, in fact I strongly advice on relying on them for that. It would be safer to clone the virtual machine, snapshots are just diff files, and are not robust enough (specially if there's more than one) because they reduce redundancy which increases the chances of unrecoverable errors.
If you want to change screen res, check this thread...I've uploaded my xorg.conf to show you how to get it working.
Hey Parallels team Can you confirm there's still a fix coming for Xorg 1.5 on PD3 please? Any idea of when this might arrive? Please look at the last message (from Leto) in the thread mentioned above...
I don't see anything in there about up-to-date video drivers (which have been a problem in Ubuntu for some time). Or are you pointing me to the comments about the new features available in PD4? Sorry if I'm missing something obvious.