Your experience is by no means what most people are seeing. In fact, most people consider the builds since beta 2 to be much LESS buggy. The window movement seems no slower then it was in any of the betas, and the Visual Studio problem is listed as a known issue; perhaps the only one that could be considered particularly problematic.
VMWare Fusion has, on the other hand, had plenty of bugs surface, and there have been no new releases to fix them since Fusion came out. Unity is very, very buggy from my experience, requiring that I switch to windowed mode frequently because Unity locks up. There is no way to add existing virtual disks from the UI, or specify which network interface(s) to use. I have seen reports of everything from Fusion causing the airport process to take up 100% CPU to someone actually having Fusion cause their computer to lock up and corrupt their hard drive directory (which is something it can do because it has a number of processes that run with root access privileges).
But, if you wish to discuss this further, please make a new topic to do so. This thread won't benefit from any further mention of Fusion. I'm sure there could be many improvements made to Parallels, but giving up on a product because something isn't fixed immediately isn't really a solution.
Last edited: Sep 11, 2007