Updates apparently screw up W10

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Joep4, Oct 12, 2016.

  1. Joep4

    Joep4 Bit poster

    Windows 10 was running well on my Mac with Parallels Desktop 12 until recently. But now when I start W10 it ends with some kind of test and gets stuck (see screen dump). A backup of some days ago works find, but after one or two restarts the same problem occurs. It seems so be connected with a windows update that Parallels doesn't appreciate. Does anyone have the same problem and/or a solution? Joep

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  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi @Joep4 and did you get any info about Windows updates?
  3. Joep4

    Joep4 Bit poster

    Yes, I don't keep track of it but almost every day I have this message 'Windows may be slower due to updates' or something like that.

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