Upgrading to Parallels 11 from 10

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Darren_Coleman, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. ghtop

    ghtop Member

    For those thinking of upgrading to Pro, note this response by Parallels to a user on Twitter (of course they wouldn't bother coming to their own forum to answer it):

    Q: I own v10. If I now buy a Pro subscription I can use v11. What is AFTER that year if I don't subscribe again. Continue on 11?
    A: your installation will stop working when you no longer subscribe.


    So you could spend $99.99 and a year later end up with software that has been disabled and is completely useless ... so it's basically a software rental only ...
  2. ArvinB1

    ArvinB1 Bit poster

    Wow! The hits just keep getting better!?

    I'm fairly certain I will migrate to VMWare Fusion.

    Who allows only an 18 day window to use a product, and then have the gumption to ask there customers to shell out another $50 to upgrade. Return periods are typically 30 days!
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2015
    JorgL likes this.
  3. RobertWise

    RobertWise Member

    So if the information provided is correct then the ad is very misleading and that's putting it mildly. Well you know what they say about if a deal looks to good to be true!

    Thanks but no thanks Parallels, I'll give your offer a miss.
  4. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    If it's such a dire problem you can use P10 instead.
    If you have a valid license of P10 (according to your other post, you have) you can downgrade to P10 by first uninstalling Parallels Tools from the VMs, uninstalling P11 and installing P10, installing Parallels Tools, your VMs will work.
  5. Dean_May

    Dean_May Bit poster

    so you want me to uninstall p11 and put p10 back on you sent me email say it was free and also it online say it free. so like me fuck about by delete windows 10 that was my free upgrade that took me 4 days to install due to parallels not excepting windows 10 and also you would like me to lose all me software that i have downloaded because you can't give people free offer that you offered what you talking about just give me a licence key and stop fucking me about i will be on to trading standers tomorrow this is misleading and not anyones fault but parallels i have copy your front page and every think that will be need buy trading standers is anyone has seen this email you need call trading standers on 08435047393
  6. Dean_May

    Dean_May Bit poster

    copy from the font page of web sight don't trust its a lie / Already have a subscription? Download your free upgrade to Pro Edition, at no additional cost to you/
  7. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Excuse me? How old are you? You can neither read what was said to you or express yourself in a proper form in writing, and I don't just mean politeness but intelligibleness.

    And don't you talk to me like I was a representative of Parallels, it's quite clear on my signature that I'm not.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2015
  8. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    You don't have a subscription, a license of P10 isn't a subscription.
  9. Dean_May

    Dean_May Bit poster

    if you look at web page there loads of people complaining about this not just me my laptop was ok until i had your free download message this is not my fault and if i want to get pissed of with you and i will i can't believe the response from you that think it ok to offer a free download and then stitch me up with 14 day trial and have to pay £35 or £60 i'm not sure prob stitch me up that as well. it was only a year ago that i paid £50 for last update. if i had anyway out i would not use parallels at all i think what i will end up doing is selling my mac as you lot are biggest bunch of cunt i have ever met but thing is the software good but customer service is terrible
  10. Dean_May

    Dean_May Bit poster

    i see so best way of make money is to confuse people there loads of people on here and on Facebook who had same email and done the same as what i have done why haven't you change the way it worded online so people don't get confused like me and rest online like me who done same and offer a free keys to all of your customer who at min feel cheated
  11. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    If you read as well as you write I'm not surprised.
    Actually you even misread other users complains, they aren't complaining about the same as you. Anyway, I'm done here, I reported you for your use of offensive language in clear violation with these forum guidelines.
  12. Dean_May

    Dean_May Bit poster

    not problem you can report me if like it not like you help me anyway i still have same problem so what good was it. good luck to rest user i think we all need it
  13. LaiClement

    LaiClement Bit poster

    Hi there, I just successfully reinstalled Parallels 11 via the KB provided. It worked. Thank you.
  14. Bill Standen

    Bill Standen Member

    The Parallels Accounts page does a poor job of making that distinction.

    Screen Shot 2015-08-20 at 1.31.00 pm.png
    ghtop likes this.
  15. DanW2

    DanW2 Bit poster

    I just downloaded the upgrade, and it is now advising me to activate, which it won't on any version, with the key I had previously or the one on the portal, which gives me an error about max activations or similar
  16. AnthonyC2

    AnthonyC2 Junior Member

    I upgraded from parallels 9 to 10 not long ago, only two months ago. Now if I want to upgrade from 10 to 11, I need to pay an amount same as upgrade from 9 to 11. In other words, the fee I paid for last upgrade was good for two months? I really do not understand why the cut off day is 29 July 2015?
  17. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

  18. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    At the top it says "Subscriptions and Licenses", and that's also the name of the link you have to follow to get to that page.

    In that screenshot you have 2 licenses and an expired subscription, if you click on each one you can clearly see what distinguishes them, first a subscription could never be perpetual (I'm starting to think all the rage is because some people thought they had found a loophole here where they could have a Parallels subscription for life); second, a license is specific to a version a subscription is not, your licenses clearly state the version; finally, if you click on each one you'll have the details that clearly state the duration if it's a subscription and the version if it's a license.

    A valid Parallels Desktop for Mac Pro subscription says something like: "Parallels Desktop for Mac Professional Edition (1 host)"
    You'll notice there is no mention of the version in there.

    Could Parallels have made a better job at distinguishing licenses from subscriptions in that screen? Possibly, and I agree it might seem confusing at first, but it seems, in my opinion, some diligence on part of the user would be enough to clear up that a Parallels 10 license does not entitle someone to Parallels Desktop Pro subscription.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2015
  19. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Nothing forces you to buy Parallels 11, Parallels 10 is still supported and will still be supported with updates for about one more year.
    The upgrade discount is valid for the previous version and the one before, meaning that if you have waited a little longer you could've, for the same price, upgraded from 9 to 11, or you can now wait a year and upgrade from 10 to 12, Parallels has always released a new version each year around this time.
    Generally, my advice to other users is to upgrade every 2 versions.
  20. AnthonyC2

    AnthonyC2 Junior Member

    Version 10 does not support Window 10 even after the updates installed today.

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