Video retina ubuntu troubleshooting

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by xvthomas, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. xvthomas

    xvthomas Bit poster

    I use a mac with mountain lion and retina display.
    I have an Ubuntu virtual machine (parallels 9)
    Under ubuntu I have some trouble with the video : for instance, when I open a window (Terminal or other application) if I wait 5 seconds without doing nothing, the content of the window is replaced by the old content got 10 seconds before. it's so weird...
    I tried multiple configuration (with or without 3D acceleration, optimized for retina display, multiple resolution in Ubuntu, etc) but it is still the same.

    Notice that the version of ubuntu is 12.04 and it was created with the parallels version 7.

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