"View Only" Portable Client option?

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by St00pid N00bie, Sep 5, 2011.

  1. I like your client (I downloaded the portable version from pendriveapps) but would prefer a "View Only" option.

    A multipane option (vs the tedious method of opening a bunch of instances) would be even cooler, with the ability to change from "View Only" to "Interactive" on selected panes.

    That would facilitate monitoring multiple desktops without interacting with them unless required.

    Standard Remote Desktop doesn't do this, nor can I locate a client (other than vnc) which does silent, view-only monitoring. Seems an odd oversight made by (many) companies.
  2. gs

    gs Guest

    Hi there,

    we'll pass this as feature request.
    Please open a ticket sending an email to support@2x.com

    Kind regards,

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