Visual Studio 2022 installation in Parallels Desktop for Apple Silicon (M1) Mac

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by SreelekshmiR, May 15, 2022.

  1. SreelekshmiR

    SreelekshmiR Bit poster

    I have MacBook Air (M1, 2020) with Apple M1 Chip and I am using Parallel desktop with ARM based Windows 11.
    I installed Visual studio 2022 for .Net development in parallels desktop.
    But it shows like visual studio not supported by ARM based processor.
    I installed .Net Framework v4.6.1 and v4.7 as per the "Project targeted Framework Not Installed" notification. After that I am repeatedly getting 'unloaded' and 'failed to load' project inside solution explorer when each time, I try to load the project.
    Also tried to install intel based windows in parallels it shows like it is not supported in an ARM based processor.

    Is it possible to use Visual studio 2022 inside parallels based on a MacBook Air with Apple M1 Chip.

    Can anyone suggest solutions
  2. StephenW14

    StephenW14 Bit poster

    Best Answer
    Just install the .net framework 4.61 and 4.7 targeting frameworks. They should work fine. The warning you speak of is just telling you it isn't designed to work on Arm, but I have been using it fine for over a month. The only thing not working for me is localDB migrations when attempting to migrate to the localdb (have to use 32 bit SQL server 2014 or a dev server located on another machine). I had some old .net 4.6 full framework projects and they ran fine, but I needed up must upgrade to 4.8. I did try the Arm Visual Studio Preview, but for me I couldn't get IIS express to work on it so ended up going back to the other version since it rans faster than my intel VM did anyway :)
  3. SreelekshmiR

    SreelekshmiR Bit poster

    Any idea ?
  4. WZ_1

    WZ_1 Junior Member

  5. JamesG36

    JamesG36 Bit poster

    Do you know if VS ARM native would still allow building of x64 binaries? That would be useful for me.
  6. StephenW14

    StephenW14 Bit poster

    Best Answer
    Just install the .net framework 4.61 and 4.7 targeting frameworks. They should work fine. The warning you speak of is just telling you it isn't designed to work on Arm, but I have been using it fine for over a month. The only thing not working for me is localDB migrations when attempting to migrate to the localdb (have to use 32 bit SQL server 2014 or a dev server located on another machine). I had some old .net 4.6 full framework projects and they ran fine, but I needed up must upgrade to 4.8. I did try the Arm Visual Studio Preview, but for me I couldn't get IIS express to work on it so ended up going back to the other version since it rans faster than my intel VM did anyway :)
  7. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

    Last edited: Nov 22, 2022
    MichaelH63 likes this.
  8. AQEELA2

    AQEELA2 Junior Member

    Guys, I am planning to buy an M2 mac book pro, but I am 100% windows developer and I am using visual studio for my development before I was having intel base mac, I was using windows and mac os both and all was so good, anyone who is professionally developing apps in visual studio in m1 or m2 mac with parallel can you guys help me ? should i go for m1/m2 with parallel ?
  9. JamesG36

    JamesG36 Bit poster

    I work on a professional .Net x86 based application, and all our code is built on my M2 Mac Book Air (24GB RAM, 2TB SSD) under Parallels. It's probably slower than a native Intel Parallels, slow sometimes, but very doable. I prefer working on a Mac, all my web browsing, office apps is all done on the Mac side. But dev is all on Windows 11 ARM, with VS 2019. 2019 seems to run better for me, 2022 is slower, and has other problems (IIS related, unable to create virtual directories, it seems).

    I did check out VS 2022 again last night, but it still seems to be an Intel application, I thought they were doing a Native ARM version?
  10. AQEELA2

    AQEELA2 Junior Member

    Thanks for your response @JamesG36 , but I heard VS 17.5 which is the latest version is supporting ARM? can you check if you have a mac with m1 or m2?
  11. A__28

    A__28 Bit poster

    @JamesG36 @AQEELA2 so what is the outcome? can someone outline the successful setup for .Net Framework v4.6.1 and v4.7 development? like:
    1. Parallels version
    2. VS or Rider version
    3. What limitations does it have
  12. AQEELA2

    AQEELA2 Junior Member

    To confirm with you guys, I am using an m2 machine with 98GB, and I have installed Windows arm in Parallel, and I have had no issues. For a whole day, I was working on my office product. The solution itself has 108 projects, and it was with framework 4.7 its only hang once in a day, I was using the Blazor project with core webapi with no issue. actually, I was even able to install a 64bit application in Windows ARM like visual studio management studio, postman , fiddler and even I have installed .net6 and .net7 in arm window ALL GOOD
  13. cuongq

    cuongq Bit poster

    trying to run .net core 2.2 web application on M1 with parallels but no use. always get error like this "
    The target process exited without raising a CoreCLR started event. Ensure that the target process is configured to use .NET Core. This may be expected if the target process did not run on .NET Core.". I also install every version of 2.2 x84 or x64 Been trying days working on this issues but no help. is there a way out?
  14. AQEELA2

    AQEELA2 Junior Member

    I am using M2, with the latest Parallel Licenced (Pro), and Licenced Windows 11 ARM, with the latest VS for ARM. What I know is Core 2.2 is deprecated, I am currently working on .net5, and .net6, and even tried .net7

    Let me try .net core 2.2 tonight, and I will update you
  15. cuongq

    cuongq Bit poster

    highly appriciate that. Im currently on free trial, if I can run .net COre 2.2 I will willing to spend on the pro version for work.
  16. AQEELA2

    AQEELA2 Junior Member

    Yes this does work for me
  17. Ilma

    Ilma Bit poster

    I am trying to load my .sqlproj, but all I get is 'The IntellisenseHostingEngine package did not load correctly'. Any ideas? Thanks in advance
  18. BentM

    BentM Bit poster

    I am a professional developer that for years have used MacBook Pros with Bootcamp. This worked 100% fine. As Apple no longer sells MacBooks with Intel processors I had to go for a M2 chip when I need an new Mac and I have regretted ever since. I have been battling with Parallels on this Mac for months now, but am no resigning and buying a new PC. Visual Studio in particular has far too many issues under Parallels and is not in my opinion compatible with business use unfortunately. :(
  19. Mikhail Ushakov

    Mikhail Ushakov Parallels Team

    We do regret to hear that. Would you share more details regarding why Parallels Desktop hasn't worked for you, please?
  20. DavidAl


    Thanks for saving me time and money. I almost ordered an MBP-M3 Max with Parallels to migrate from an older MBP-Intel(2020) with Bootcamp for Enterprise App Development but your message was very helpful to me to not pursue this option. It's disappointing that Apple left a lot of people like us hanging without a solution. It's time to move away from MBP.

    RIP MBP.
  21. AQEELA2

    AQEELA2 Junior Member

    HAY Guys, I own M2 WITH 64GB RAM AND 2TB SSD TOP SPECT AT THE TIME, I am using Parallels, and I am a professional Dotnet Developer, and trust me, I have no issue at all , I am running windows 11 arm and I have installed even 64bit software and its working fine , feel free to ask me any Question if you have and I am so happy with my MAC AND PARALLELS

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