VM is incompatible with Mac

Discussion in 'Parallels Provider for Vagrant' started by CG_3, Oct 29, 2021.

  1. CG_3

    CG_3 Bit poster

    Hello All,

    Just trying to see if anyone can give me a little help or point me in the right direction. This is my first time using virtual machines and Vagrant. I have a Mac with the M1 chip. I downloaded Parallels and Vagrant. Everything seems to running fine on Parallel. However when I try to use Vagrant to create my VMs I get this error message:
    Screen Shot 2021-10-29 at 9.53.36 AM.png
    I thought it had something to do with the box I am using but I checked and it should be compatible : config.vm.box = "mpasternak/focal64-arm"

    This is what it looks like when I try to run vagrant up Screen Shot 2021-10-29 at 9.56.31 AM.png

    Any help would be appreciated.
  2. DeadS0uls

    DeadS0uls Bit poster

    I'm getting this error, too.
  3. Nazeemabanu@P

    Nazeemabanu@P Moderator

    Hello, Only the ARM version of the operating system will be supported on Mac M1 chip. If you try to run or migrate other x86 versions of the operating system on the M1 Mac, then it will not be supported. Kindly refer to this link - Parallels Desktop for Mac System Requirements for the same. Thanks
  4. DeadS0uls

    DeadS0uls Bit poster

    I got it working with this Vagrantfile
    Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
    config.vm.box = "jharoian3/ubuntu-22.04-arm64"
  5. McallenT@P

    McallenT@P Parallels Team

    Hello, We are glad that the issue is resolved. Thanks, Parallels Team.
  6. chargio

    chargio Bit poster

    Trying to use it with different boxes (bento/kalylinux9-aarch64, almalinux, luminositylabsllc/bento-almalinux-9-aarch64):
    - Tools are needed to share the files, including the configuration files, so the provisioner don't work (only the bash provisioner works, but not the ansible one)
    - Manually trying to install the tools copies the standard linux tools, not the arm version, so it fails.
    - There is no easy way to install the tools.
    - When you install the tools manually, copying the iso from the application inside the vm using sftp and then installing it manually, the vm restarts at the end. But due to the fact that the ssh key is not properly copied (Vagrant tries to copy a new ssh-key as part of the installation process), you can't log in anymore using vagrant ssh.

    I am trying to test if I can run VM for development using Parallels, and right now it is not good enough. Is there any plans to make it possible to install the proper version of the tools as part of the creation process? Or do I need to manually create a box with the tools installed as a basis for my development? Would in that case the tools be properly updated when a new version is available?
  7. chargio

    chargio Bit poster

    - With a fresh installation using AlmaLinux, the tools are correctly installed. Existing boxes are failing and now I will have to create a new one to be able to use it

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