Web Portal v6 loosing settings

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by jock2010, Mar 12, 2008.

  1. jock2010

    jock2010 Guest

    I have installed the app server on my terminal server and the webportal on my iis server which runs on another machine.

    when i login to the webportal for the first time i create the farm etc. log off and the applications are visible for my users.

    however after a short while when i open the web portal page again i am greeted with the web portal is not configured to connect to a 2x application server.
  2. nixu

    nixu Guest

  3. jock2010

    jock2010 Guest

    Hi Nixu
    I am running sbs 2003 with a virtual server running the terminal server.
    i was running build 416 but have now upgraded to 419 on the web portal and appserver.

    it seems to be working fine but will let you know.

    many thanks and cheers

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