What Product best suits?

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by daiwhyte, Jan 31, 2008.

  1. daiwhyte

    daiwhyte Guest


    I need to provide around 15 users remote access to a database product. I guess that I will need a server side and client side install of the relevant 2x product. Can someone please tell me the two products which will be used. I have contemplated using Terminal Services but Ive been steered in the general direction of 2x since its easier to setup and cheaper to maintain.

    I look forward to your advice.
  2. nixu

    nixu Guest

  3. daiwhyte

    daiwhyte Guest

    I understand these twwo products come with up to 5 applications for free. Does that mean you can publish 5 different application within the enviroment or does it mean you can run the same application for 5 user at any one time.
  4. nixu

    nixu Guest

    This means that only 5 applications can be used at the same time. The applications can be the same one or different applications.

    Example: calc, calc, calc, notepad, wordpad will reach the limit.


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