Where in the *.pvm-package is the >original< name of the *.hds-file stored?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by QuerB, Nov 2, 2023.

  1. QuerB

    QuerB Bit poster

    Hi there,

    I'm working with Parallels Desktop for Mac 18.3.2 and Parallels Toolbox 6.02 still on macOS Mojave.

    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    My actual question right here in the beginning: can I somewhere in the 'xyz.pvm'-package find the filename of the 'xyz-0.hdd.0.{5fbaabe3.-1234-...-aab41}.hds' file, which was >> originally << assigned to (or: resided inside) the 'xyz.pvm'-package?
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

    What had happened:
    Yesterday I deleted some of my obsolete VMs (Window 11, V 22H2) via the control center and since I had missed to let them delete by the control center as well in Finder, I had to delete the .pvm-files manually - where I mixed things up, deleted two wrong .pvms and emptied the trash.

    Shortly after that I even made things worse, when I started one of the VMs (with important data on it), then realized, what had happened and in conclusion tried to reconnect control center instance "A" with the "A".pvm/.hdd/.hds - but mixed up everything even more and even destroyed another .hds-file.

    And no - I don't have backups of those files ... ;) ... but I was able to recover at least the .hds volumes and I still have the folder structure of the .pvm-file.

    Accordding to these posts:
    most important is, to have the folder structure, the .hds -, the config.pvs- and the config.pvs-file to recover a VM.

    But since I mixed things up I need to know which .hds-file originally was inside which .pvm-packet ...

    So, here comes my question again: can I somewhere in the 'xyz.pvm'-package find the filename of the 'xyz-0.hdd.0.{5fbaabe3.-1234-...-aab41}.hds' file, which was > originally < assigned to (or: resided inside) the 'xyz.pvm'-package?

    Thank you all in advance and best regards,

  2. QuerB

    QuerB Bit poster

    So, habe es inzwischen selber gefunden:
    >>> 'xyz.pvm' > Paketinhalt anzeigen > 'xyz.pvm-0.hdd' > Paketinhalt anzeigen > 'DiskDescriptor.xml' > dort in Zeile 42 (sic!) ...
    (wobei wir mal wieder bei 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' und der Antwort nach der Farge nach dem Sinn des Lebens wären ... und *ach* sogar bei Parallels Desktop ist sie in tiefen Gemächern verewigt - wie geil ... :D)

    Jetzt muss ich nur noch zusehen, dass ich die VMs wieder zum Laufen kriege ...
  3. QuerB

    QuerB Bit poster

    haha ... I should answer myself in English ... probably ...
    so - I found it myself in the meantime:
    >>> 'xyz.pvm' > show package content > 'xyz.pvm-0.hdd' > show package content > 'DiskDescriptor.xml' > and inside there in line 42 (sic!) - (which means - we are once again confronted with the answer to the question about the meaning of life from that unique and awesome book 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' ... )

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