I'm having a similar problem - no snapshots, but somehow parallels is 100GB of hard drive. None is reclaimable. I can't install software on the VM so I can't run Scanner or Disk Inventory X on the VM to see what's being stored. Is there another way (by looking at files on the Mac side, e.g.) to figure this out? If I'm sharing all my mac files with the VM is it somehow duplicating them? It seems to grow even though I'm not doing anything in windows other than checking email, which is staying on a server and not on my machine.
Also, the drive should be an 'expanding disk' with 256GBs available, but it's at 101GB and telling me there is 0 storage available.
So, 1) what's taking 100GB of storage, or how do I figure that out? and 2) why is it out of disk space if it should have access to 256GB?
Last edited: Jan 11, 2019