Windows 10 black screen

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by PercyM1, Jun 9, 2019.

  1. PercyM1

    PercyM1 Bit poster

    I can't open windows 10 using parallels in my MAC. There is a permanent black screen

    Attached Files:

  2. StephanieF1

    StephanieF1 Bit poster

    I have the same problem. Have tried everything including uninstalling. Still won't work. I need this computer to work ASAP!
  3. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Guys, please try Actions-> Reset
    or check this KB article for the resolution steps
    AmyZ likes this.
  4. BrettB4

    BrettB4 Bit poster

    I have the same issue, but the KB article is no help because the first step in the article is to click on the start menu. How can I click on the start menu if the Windows 10 screen is black?
  5. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, which version of Parallels Desktop are you using? And when does the issue appear? Maybe after Windows or Parallels Desktop update?
  6. hamidi

    hamidi Bit poster

    Previously Parallels worked fine. Then, it says my mac out of space. So i have move the virtual machine to hard drive. however, when i double click to launch Windows 10, it only shows screen with temporary window and buffer logo and stopped at blank/ black screen. I have tried Action> Reset, did not work. I have quit and restart Mac, I have restart the window 3 times, also did not work. Please HELP.
  7. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    @hamidi, did you receive the "out of space" warning after starting your VM?
  8. JamesC35

    JamesC35 Bit poster

    I need help too. Black screen, nothing fixes it.
  9. JohnS64

    JohnS64 Bit poster

    I have an interesting variation of black screen - see attached.
    I've tried all the steps from stop/reset/start to booting in safe mode. Still only get black screen.
    MacOS Mojave/Parallels 13

    Attached Files:

  10. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    When does it appear? After any updates?
  11. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Could you please test the same behavior with Parallels Desktop 15 during the free trial period?
  12. JohnS64

    JohnS64 Bit poster

    Hi Maria,
    Updated to Parallels 15 - now just pure black screen (see attached)

    Attached Files:

  13. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Could you collect the right after the issue reproduced and post the report's ID here.
  14. JohnS64

    JohnS64 Bit poster

    Report ID 322236313
  15. ScottG12

    ScottG12 Bit poster

    I have been experiencing this post-login black screen for a number of days as well. I am running Parallels 15, and this appears to have begun after my W10 VM took the "major feature update" to Windows 10 Version 1803.

    The initial update from 1709 to 1803 still seems to allow the VM to work properly, but one of the many post-1803 bugfix updates that get installed immediately after the big feature update seems to be causing this. I'm now using the Windows diagnostic tools wushowhide.diagcab and wu10.diagcab to attempt to suppress specific individual updates, so that I can see which update is responsible.

    Luckily, I have a 4-TB scratch disk available, so I can shut down and archive the VM prior to each individual update- this prevents having to go all the way back to 1709 and endure the multi-reboot Windows 1803 update process for each test. If and when I can conclusively identify the culprit, I'll post that info here.

    I note that it is possible to send ctl-alt-delete, start the task manager, and manually launch the control panel and Explorer, even despite the black screen. However, when Explorer starts, I get only a single window floating on black. It has not yet been possible to get the actual desktop environment/start menu/etc, only individual items. That may be the key to debugging this.

    One final note: I have also revirtualized the source PC *after* all the 1803 updates were done on it (which involves a clean installation of Parallels Tools after virtualization), and it works just fine. Thus, my current conjecture is that this is the result of a specific update killing Parallels Tools. I haven't had any success reinstalling Parallels Tools from the task manager after it happens: it seems that a running desktop environment is required to do so.

    My bet is that it is some obscure video driver conflict resident in one of the early 1803 bug patches, that is then silently corrected by the *next* 1803 bug patch...
  16. ScottG12

    ScottG12 Bit poster

    Following up my own post: I believe that I've been able to isolate the problem down to one update: "2019-02 Update for Windows 10 Version 1803 for x64-based Systems (KB4346084)".

    After I install this single update, I end up with the black screen issue. There are 4 later updates that I've also hidden using wushowhide.diagcab, as well as updates for Adobe and Windows Defender, and in time I'll try installing them individually to reduce the backlog. But if the developers would like a candidate update to analyze for impact, this would seem to be the one.

    However, your mileage may vary: Windows behavior is not particularly consistent, and your results may differ from mine.

    For anyone else who would like to experiment with that tool, is is available here: . This tool lets you freeze updates indefinitely (as opposed to using "pause updates" under Settings->Update & Security, which unfreezes itself at random and usually inopportune times).
  17. ScottG12

    ScottG12 Bit poster

    Technical report #322407566 sent: this report was generated from my VM running the last successful update prior to KB4346084 above. I'll install that update and generate the matching report after it breaks the tools, assuming that the report generation works properly afterwards.
  18. ScottG12

    ScottG12 Bit poster

    Well, as Sun Tzu said: no plan survives first contact with the enemy. I've now been able to install all of the 1803 updates one at a time without incurring the black screen, right up through the most recent: they are apparently not the problem. The only things left to test are the .NET 4.8 upgrade, and a bunch of Windows Defender and Adobe Flash updates- none of which should break Parallels. Oh, well- I'll keep trying them, one at a time. My belief that KB4346084 was the culprit has not turned out to be true. Mods, feel free to delete post #16 and #17, as they are incorrect- there's no reason to mislead visitors here.
  19. JohnS64

    JohnS64 Bit poster

    Could I please get an update on this?
  20. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Sorry for the delay, when does the issue appear at first time, may be after Windows update?

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