Windows 11 - control space shortcut fixed to Switch Language

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by PeterH72, Oct 4, 2023.

  1. PeterH72

    PeterH72 Bit poster


    I'm using Parallels on an Apple Silicon Mac with Windows 11 VM. I noticed that the keyboard profile for Windows fixes the 'control space' shortcut to the 'Switch Language' command. As a developer, many IDEs use the 'control space' shortcut for code hints/complete. Why is this shortcut not editable? How to fix it?

  2. GabrielL4

    GabrielL4 Bit poster

    Indeed this is quite frustrating. Here's what I did to work around it:
    1. in your macOS, open System Settings
    2. go to Keyboard, click Keyboard Shortcuts
    3. select Input Sources
    4. you should see "Select the previous input source" (^Space) and "Select next source in input menu" (^⌥Space)
    5. disable "Select the previous input source" (^Space)

    You will still be able to use ^⌥Space to switch languages in macOS but at least Parallels will not ignore ^Space in the VM.

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