Currently using Parallels V3.0 Build 4560 with Tools of same Build on a MacBook Pro running OSX 10.4.10. Under Parallels I am running Windows XP SP2 and all updates loaded.
Everything was running perfectly under Parallels and in Windows XP there were no issues with any hardware etc. -- all drivers loaded and no errors. Now I needed to add domain information, Wins, DNS, etc to Windows config to join into the office domain. Everything worked running, connected.
Now everything fell apart -- nothing worse when you have problems with your Mac/Parallels PC.
Next step was to add the Novell Netware Client 4.90.2. Added, rebooted and just was I about to login, I got a blue screen erroring out on PRLETH.SYS
It seems that just after booting, when connected to the network (wired ethernet), I get the blue screen and the process automatically reboots again and again. If I disconnect the MacBook Pro from the network, I do not get the blue screen and everything functions fine.
I need to have Windows running under Novell to function in my environment.
I have had Novell Netware Client 4.90.2 working with a previous Parallels configuration running Version 3.0 Build 3122 but the tools were still at Version 2.5. They did not get upgraded because of problems I had in upgrading of the Tools from 2.5 when I upgraded to V3 of Parallels.
Can V3.0.4560 run with Novell Netware Client installed?
Solutions, ideas...???
---------------------------------- Correction -----------------------------
I originally stated Novell Client 6.5 - I checked and I am actually on Novell Client and Parallels Build 4560 -- I've loaded so many builds I am off
track here
Last edited: Jul 22, 2007