Windows Corporate on Mac

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by zack_from_TI, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. zack_from_TI

    zack_from_TI Bit poster

    Hello Guys,

    I need help to migrate my corporate laptop HD to a MacBook.

    Requirements are very simple: since it is a corporate laptop, the image running on the Parallels VM must be the exact replica of the corporate HD (user settings, domains, capability of running of application like Single Sign On solutions,...).

    I am newbie and I think the best solution would be to have a step-by-step procedure that start from how to create the HD image to how to set up Parallels.
    This procedure would include: necessary software (ghost? acronis? Parallels Transponder? others?), necessary hardware and configuration (additional PC? use corporate HD as USB storage device?), specific software settings, and any other vital or fundamental information.

    I know it is a big request, but I think it can be really helpful. Can anyone help me?

    Thanks a lot,
  2. gegervision

    gegervision Hunter

    Last edited: Jan 23, 2008

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