Windows crashing under PD for Mac

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by bjc3, Aug 20, 2007.

  1. bjc3

    bjc3 Bit poster

    I have posted a message to support about this, but perhaps I'll get an answer here.

    I bought PD for the Mac when I bought my Mac Pro last April. I only just isntalled it, when the need arose to use it. The version is build 3186 (version 2). I installed PD as instructed. I then installed Windows XP. I had a few problems doing that, which the installation hanging. Using the reset VM button in PD got it moving again. I then installed Tools. Then I installed a VPN client, one of the main reasons I need to use PD. That installed and ran OK. I then bought and installed Norton 360. It seemed to install, except that I did see an error flash by that was too quick to read. However, when I try to use the Live Update feature or do a scan, it crashes Windows, which then automatically restarts. I then tried the VPN client again and it does the same thing - crash, restart. I then check disk perms in OS X, which were fine. I uninstalled PD, checked perms again (fine) and restarted the Mac. I then reinstalled PD. Even though I checked all folders, as instructed, and found them to be deleted, when I reinstalled PD it was obvious that this is not a complete uninstall. PD reinstalled as an authorized version and Windows and the installed apps were still there. I would like some advice on how to fix these problems. Is there a way to do a complete uninstall, PD, Windows, installed apps included? Then I could try the process again.

    I'm running this on a Mac Pro, 4 gig RAM, 512 to Windows XP, 30 gig disk space allocated to Windows. I'd appreciate any input.

    Barry Cooper
  2. Intersecting

    Intersecting Parallels Team

    First of all you should update the program. The 2.5 latest build is 3214. Open Parallels Desktop, click help, check for updates, check now.
  3. bjc3

    bjc3 Bit poster

    Yes. What I did was to download the V3 files, as I've ordered the update. I deleted the existing VM then updated and reinstalled Windows. It went smoothly this time. I've installed the VPN client and a software package that I am using to work with a graphics archiving program (ThumbsPlus), where the image files will be stored on the remote server. That is why I need the VPN client running. So far that is working. I have not been brave enough to try to install Norton 360. I notice that PD now allows you to install Kaspersky Internet Security, so I'm assuming that is well tested. I'll try it first.

    So far, things look better.
  4. Hugh Watkins

    Hugh Watkins Forum Maven

    Norton seems to be in decline

    AVG suits many of us
    plus PC health from MS

    please look at some of my other posts about good house keeping a VM PC to find the url

    Hugh W
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2007
  5. bjc3

    bjc3 Bit poster

    Yes, well, I'll have to work on this later. It's all cost me too muc time already. I tried to install Kaspersky from the PD program. It installs but then crashes while trying to update it's definitions. I uninstalled it (more than once) and tried Norton 360 again. It seems to install, after a couple of failures, but then the whole system became unstable again, with Windows crashing and restarting, as I described before.

    I will try all this one more time when the PD v3 package arrives. I will then try the programs you suggest for security. I obviously can't afford to be running Windows on my Mac without some form of internet security.

    I considered trying ZoneAlarm, which is highly rated by PC mag etc., but decided not to because I even have problems with it running on a PC under Windows. Frankly, it's too bad the one program I need to run using my university's server requires Windows and doesn't run on the Mac.

  6. Hugh Watkins

    Hugh Watkins Forum Maven

    how much memory for the VM?

    500 to 700 mb is often best out of 2 gb

    My only crash recently was caused too little space on the Macintosh hard disk
    try and keep at least 20% free by moving files to an external firewire disk

    Hugh W
  7. bjc3

    bjc3 Bit poster

    I had allocated 512 mb out of 4 gig of RAM on the machine. I have two 500 gig hard disks, with PD and Windows installed on the primary one (ie the one with OS X). It has 350 gig free. I allocated 30 gig to Windows, but chose the dynamic format. Is there any indication that it would be better to choose a fixed allocation?


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