Sharing from linux, no desktop installed

Discussion in 'Parallels Explorer' started by David Bourgeois, Jun 17, 2010.

  1. David Bourgeois

    David Bourgeois Bit poster


    How can I share folders from MacOS to Linux without having a desktop like gnome installed? I installed gentoo in parallels, could successfully (I think) install parallel tools but I don't know what kind of sharing I can use. Do I need to use samba, or anything else?

  2. PAUL198521

    PAUL198521 Bit poster

    Sharing Files & Folders Between Linux, Mac and Windows

    In today's world of business computing, systems must be able to communicate and interact with one another. During its years of immaturity, Linux had a very difficult time with this. And it seemed every time Linux developers made strides in getting Linux to communicate with another system, the developers of said system would change something to break that connectivity.

    Today is different. Today Linux offers plenty of means for connecting with other systems and the users of those other systems. From the plain obvious to the not-so-obvious, Linux can interact with both Mac and Windows so that business can move forward seamlessly.

    In this article I am going to discuss ways in which you can have your Linux machine interacting with your co-workers' Mac and PC machines to keep you and your company working without a hitch.
    Believe it or not, the interaction between OpenOffice and Microsoft Office has become nearly seamless. The primary tools of OpenOffice offer nearly 100 percent functionality between Microsoft Office, But out of the box, there is one step that you should take before creating, saving and sending that document to a Microsoft Office user. Change the default document type.

    Although I would much rather work in the native file format of OpenOffice, the truth is the majority of business users are still using Microsoft Office. And that most likely will not change any time soon. And since MS Office doesn't like to play well with others, it's always best to help your tool play along with theirs, To do this you are going to change the default "Save" format for the word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation document type.

    Best Regard
    Paul Jon

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