Warning with build 12090!!! Dock 100% cpu

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Numanmania, Jun 3, 2011.

  1. AlanUSA

    AlanUSA Bit poster

    Dead in the water

    Cannot even get Parallels to recognize the old or new VM. Can't get that far into the process. This was so easy the first time around. I've tried everything i can think of in the process to get PD started.
  2. NicholeS

    NicholeS Bit poster

    The workaround did not work for me.
  3. NicholeS

    NicholeS Bit poster

    hah, but trashing the dock plist and force quitting the dock after removing the windows application folder from the dock DID work for me!
  4. DeShawnB

    DeShawnB Hunter

    Hey NicholeS,

    If you came up with an alternative route, would you mind explaining your situation? There might be somebody else out there that started out with the same issue then could resolve it with the way you did. Thanks!
  5. NicholeS

    NicholeS Bit poster

    Not an alternative route so much, the posted workaround of disabling the vm applications folder in the dock didn't stop the dock from using up 100% CPU until after I trashed ~/Library/Preferences/.com.apple.dock.plist and used activity monitor to force quit the dock. mac mini, OS X 10.6.8, 2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3. vm = Windows XP Professional, gave it 2 GB of memory I think. Or maybe 4, I might have been feeling generous.

    I've also got a weird thing where my Windows application folder is full of duplicates, and pinning windows apps to the dock will create a ton of duplicates that are visible in finder but don't appear on the dock. But I fixed the 100% CPU thing at least...
  6. NicholeS

    NicholeS Bit poster

    Oh yeah, another weird thing -- there were two dock plist files, the normal one and one called com.apple.dock.plist.zhf8YIg I don't know what that's about. I trashed them both.
  7. JoelTh

    JoelTh Bit poster

    Just for the record, updating to build 12092 worked great for me. Dock was at 100% CPU, but as soon as the update finished it dropped to 0.0%.

  8. brewmaster02171990

    brewmaster02171990 Junior Member

    What happens if the prl_vm_app chews up 80-90% of CPU?What should I do?[​IMG]
  9. alev

    alev Parallels Team


    Looks like something in your Windows VM (I guess you are using Windows) takes process time.
    To find the problem process, open Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) and click the Processes tab to see a list of running processes. You can click the CPU column header to sort the list of processes by their CPU utilization. Make a note of which process is monopolizing the CPU time.

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