Windows 8.1 Preview

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by raphaelweb, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. dsilverman

    dsilverman Bit poster

    I've been successful at creating a Windows 8.1 Preview VM using the ISO (yes, the trick is to make sure you indicate it's a 64-bit version of the OS, if it is...). But I am NOT successful at upgrading an existing Windows 8 VM using the upgrade available through the Windows Store. When I do, it goes through a few reboots and at some point throws a version of a BSoD (complete with frown emoticon, cute!),and this error:

    IRQL not less or equal

    The process then rolls back to the Windows 8 installation.

    This apparently is a driver error. I've got Parallel Tools installed on the Win8 VM, and the failure comes before I'd have any chance to install them in the Win8.1 update.

    Any thoughts?
  2. JesusL

    JesusL Bit poster

    How can I make sure that it downloads the entire file?
  3. ericshmerick

    ericshmerick Bit poster

    I posted a thread but it looks like it was deleted. Strange as my advice was very helpful, IMO.

    Cliff notes: Installed 8.1, everything was microscopic. Asked support about it and was told to reinstall Parallels Tools. Didn't work.

    Whatever you do, don't uninstall Parallels Tools manually and try to re-install. Windows will not boot if you do. You will have to select a restore point to boot Windows again.

    I guess it's not "officially supported" so I have to use it at microscopic resolution. No fun.

    screenshot_18.jpg screenshot_19.jpg
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2013
  4. nsapsead

    nsapsead Bit poster

    Hi, MarkusAerulius did you happen to get this issue resolved, as I am facing the same issue and would be interested in how you have resolved this.

    Thanks in advance

  5. Dubhead

    Dubhead Bit poster

    Windows 8.1 Preview install on new Haswell MacBook Air

    I was able to do the manual install for the Windows 8.1 Preview without too much trouble. I am however running into an issue where I cannot read anything in the browser (any browser) so I think it is some display settings in Parallels that may be the issue here. I am attaching a screenshot of what I see when running this. Any ideas here?? Thanks for any insights


    Screen Shot 2013-08-31 at 10.31.04 AM.png Screen Shot 2013-08-31 at 10.30.09 AM.png
  6. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Try enable/disable directx.
  7. Dubhead

    Dubhead Bit poster

    Working now!

    Thanks so much for that suggestion, I was almost about to do this the other day but hadn't pulled the trigger. Needless to say it is working now after reducing the setting in Virtual Machine-->Hardware-->Video-->3D Acceleration from DirectX10 to DirectX9. I left the Enable vertical synchronization enabled. It seems to be working as normal at this point.


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