I guess this is why it is called a beta. I seem to recall warnings all over the place saying not to install this on your main machine. I don't think you can blame Parallels for "lack of foresight" over a third-party software (Yosemite) which is still in development. Perhaps you should wait for the consumer release, in the Autumn.
That's the version you can download directly from Parallels. But if you have DP6, you'll run into the problem described in this thread. doldis77 above seemed to have better luck with Build 9.0.24229. One page back, somebody from Parallels said that they are working on a solution to this problem.
Hi Manuel, What I want is just version is what is working in DP6, but I can not download previous versions.
Since I installed Yosemite Beta 6 yesterday, parallels doesn't start-up anymore. Error reading like "parallel services can't start" popping up. Anyone else facing this? Any solutions or work arounds? With Beta 5 everything worked well.
"sudo /Applications/Parallels\ Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/Parallels\ Service.app/Contents/MacOS/prl_disp_service -e" and then starting Parallels works for me!
Jopie, Not for me: WARNING: QApplication was not created in the main() thread. QFileSystemWatcher::addPath: path is empty
It would be helpful that personnel who have managed to get it running using the prl_disp_service command write down their system details. At a minimum, pleas provide: - Parallels Version - OS X version (I assume this is OS X 10.10 DP6 for everyone in this thread) - Hardware platform - User account in OSX (Admin or User) This might help in further ironing out why it is not working for some people...
Guru, - Parallels Version: ParallelsDesktop-9.0.24237.1028877 - OS X version: OS X 10.10 DP6 - Hardware platform: Macbook Pro 15 Retina 2.3 I7, 16GB RAM - User account in OS X: Admin
Sorry, forgot to add.. should also write whether fix working or not. I presume in your case, it has not worked.
Good idea. Can you quickly post (after the test) if it works for you? And also the download link please (if it does work). Thanks...
The terminal solution worked for me with same system specs as RodrigoO: - OS X version: OS X 10.10 DP6 - Hardware platform: Macbook Pro 15 Retina 2.3 I7, 16GB RAM - User account in OS X: Admin Parallels: - Parallels Version: ParallelsDesktop-9.0.24229 Rev 991745