What will run on Mac M1 processor?

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by PaulFryer, Apr 22, 2021.

  1. PaulFryer

    PaulFryer Member

    I have Parallels 16, and am planning to migrate to the new iMac with an M1 chip and Big Sur. I believe that Parallels 16 will run OK, but are there any limitations on which guest operating systems and/or applications can be migrated and will run?

    I have a basic Windows 10 OS running now, but also have legacy Windows 7 and Windows XP with some applications I cannot easily move to W10. Am I likely to run into issues with continuing to use any of these on the new M1?

    If so, what will happen to these (by then unsupported) OSs and apps when I do the migration from my current older Mac to the new M1 Mac? And do I have to do anything before the migration to prepare?

  2. GerhardG2

    GerhardG2 Member

  3. PaulFryer

    PaulFryer Member

    What's this Windows 10 ARM thing? How does it differ from just plain Windows 10? I downloaded and installed W10 (no mention of ARMs) a few months ago, and bought a license - do I now have to download something different, and will I have to pay again for a new license?

  4. ChristopherW21

    ChristopherW21 Bit poster

    your current Windows VM's will not work on M1. they are for intel based processors.
  5. GerhardG2

    GerhardG2 Member

    The link I sent has several pages, did you go over all of them?
    The ARM version of W10 is needed only on the new M1 Macs. You can't use the official Windows version for it, as it won't run on the Mac. You need to download the Windows version from the Microsoft insider web-pages. And currently you don't need a license.
    Read through all pages of the link, as it addresses all questions you have.
  6. KevinB21

    KevinB21 Bit poster

    Also note that there is no "stable" version of ARM Windows available to use. When you sign up for the Windows Insider program you are essentially testing early release candidates and will need to upgrade frequently to new builds which may break things.
  7. PaulFryer

    PaulFryer Member

    Thanks for the link and all the replies. As I don't have my M! yet, I'm in no hurry, but will follow the link as I get closer. I also infer that my W7 and XP VMs won't run on M1, so I will have to see what data and apps from them can be ported to the W10 partition - and then presumably to W10 ARM when I get it.
  8. WernerR1

    WernerR1 Bit poster

    Um Ihre Fragen zu Beantworten:
    Nein, die alten unter Parallels x erstellten Betriebssysteme werden alle nicht mehr auf einem Mac mit M1 Prozessor funktionieren. Möglicherweise gibt es Mittelfristige eine Lösung für Windows 10, aber Windows 7 oder 8 auf M1 von Mac können Sie leider mit heutigem Wissensstand knicken. Diese werden von MS zu wenig bzw. gar nicht mehr unterstützt, und Parallels wird hier keine Lösung finden. Ich habe das Thema bei einer bestimmten Perspektive Foren Hinterlegt, vielleicht tut sich da da.
    Bei Parallels sucht man nach meinen Erkenntnissen keine Lösung, und nimmt billigend in Kauf dass seine Kunden entweder einen Mac mit Intel-Prozessor kaufen muss, oder aber (so wie mir passiert) der Kunde kauft einen Mac-Pro mit M1, im Glauben dass man alles 1:1 übertragen kann und jetzt feststellt dass man die Arschkarte gezogen hat.
    Von sich aus hat sich Parallels nicht mit einer breiten Nachricht mit den Problemen mit dem M1 Prozessor und den entsprechenden Folgen aus dem Problem an seine Kunden gewendet. Wer denkt schon daran, dass das alles nicht mehr gehört, nur wegen einem neuen Prozessor. Eine Stellungnahem warum man die Information an die Kunden versäumt hat habe ich natürlich auch nicht erhalten.
  9. PaulFryer

    PaulFryer Member

    Thank you WernerR1. For the benefit of others, here is a translation of your comments (from an online translator).

    To answer your questions:
    No, the old operating systems created under Parallels x will no longer work on a Mac with an M1 processor. There may be a medium-term solution for Windows 10, but Windows 7 or 8 on M1 from Mac can unfortunately be broken with today's knowledge. These are not supported enough or not at all by MS, and Parallels will not find a solution. I have deposited the topic in a certain perspective forums, maybe there will be something.
    At Parallels, according to my findings, they are not looking for a solution, and accept that their customers either have to buy a Mac with an Intel processor, or (as it happens to me) the customer buys a Mac-Pro with an M1, believing that they can everything can be transferred 1: 1 and now realizes that you have drawn the ass card.
    On its own, Parallels did not send a broad message to its customers about the problems with the M1 processor and the corresponding consequences of the problem. Who thinks that none of this belongs anymore, just because of a new processor. Of course, I did not receive a statement as to why the information was missed to the customers.

    It's disappointing, from what you say, that Parallels isn't being upfront enough about what to expect, and to help ordinary folks like me through it. I'm committed to the M1 upgrade, and will have to do the best I can to keep Windows working for me. I just hope that W10 ARM 64-bit is through the testing/beta stage by the time I really need it - I'm not a heavy user, but when I need it, I really need it.

    If yo hear any updates from your other forums, can you please let me know.
  10. DavidK28

    DavidK28 Bit poster

    I have been running Windows 10 64bit Preview for ARM on my Mac Mini M1 and it works great. I have no issues at all with any of my applications.
  11. PaulFryer

    PaulFryer Member

    That's good to know.

    I haven't got my M1 iMac yet, but when I do I will be trying it out. I hope that the beta phase of the ARM W10 is still going when I get to it.
  12. PaulFryer

    PaulFryer Member

    Would it be safe to assume that older versions of Windows will NEVER be supported under Parallels 16 on M1 processors? I have XP, W7 and W10 sitting there taking up space, and could be deleted now that I have the M1. However there are 1 or 2 items on some of these I might like to be able to go back to.
  13. ChristopherW21

    ChristopherW21 Bit poster

    X86 Virtual Machines do not, will not run under ARM64. I recommend putting the VM's on a thumb drive and just archiving them for the time being and removing them from the machine.
  14. PaulFryer

    PaulFryer Member

    Thanks for that suggestion.

  15. AlexeyY1

    AlexeyY1 Member

    Theoretically it is possible. For example UTM app (QUEMU frontend) allows to run old x86 OS on M1 Mac by using the full software emulation. But the speed is rather slow.

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