Windows ARM64 - seems to boot up

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by DanO3, Dec 17, 2020.

  1. AlexeyY1

    AlexeyY1 Member

    It's interesting, Task Manager shows that Windows Store is build for x86 (Intel 32bit) architecture
  2. BobW11

    BobW11 Member

    Different than having an activated license for the VM vs signing up from another licensed machine.
  3. MJHamilton

    MJHamilton Junior Member

    Latest build of parallels and latest build of windows 10 seem so close to being perfect
    most of the modern apps including the windows store are now installed using the correct bits
  4. ChrisW38

    ChrisW38 Junior Member

    agree well done Parallels
  5. ChrisW38

    ChrisW38 Junior Member

    Has anyone managed to change the sign in options for the virtual machine to allow Windows Hello Face to use the MacBook camera?
    Current I receive a message saying "We couldn't find a camera compatible with Windows Hello Face". The camera does work with windows, as I can use the Camera App fine. Any suggestions ?
  6. ConnectixSoldOut

    ConnectixSoldOut Member

    Windows Hello needs an IR camera, the Macbooks don't have one.
    ChristopherW23 likes this.
  7. ConnectixSoldOut

    ConnectixSoldOut Member

    Activation back-end appears to be the same as x86 Windows 10. So you "should" be able to use any "Pro" key. FWIW, I activated mine using an old Windows 7 Pro key and it worked.. but YMMV.
  8. GenaroH

    GenaroH Bit poster

    Newbie here... I'm reading posts and getting mixed answers as to whether the required Key for activation is a Windows or a Parallels key? I'm a Windows Insider member and as such I get to test their beta products, one of them being the ARM based flavour of Windows. These beta versions have no activation key, as far as I know, so I'm baffled by the Parallels prompt upon a successful installation.
    I seem to remember that prior to downloading the Parallels software I was shown a Key, and I believe I used it in order for the installation to begin. I'm sorry but my attention span is very short and so seems to be memory.
    Today, after finding the appropriate VXHD Windows file, I get asked for what seems to be a Parallels key to 'activate' the software. Again, this being a 'beta' version given to me for trying it out and reporting on bugs, etc, should not have an activation key. I've already contacted Parallels with feedback on my experience.
    What is the solution to my problem? a Windows or a Parallels key?
  9. HalL1

    HalL1 Bit poster

    i downloaded it last night the windows arms build 21337. Was amazed how fast it installed onto the Macbook Air m1 8GB. It hasn't asked me for anything as it was a developer's edition. I only use it to run some of my work software, which is running faster than in my SB3 i7 with 16GB of RAM
  10. weis2

    weis2 Bit poster

  11. yrygvay

    yrygvay Bit poster

    NOTE: Build 21313 will not be offered to ARM64 devices due to an app compatibility issue. We hope to flight to ARM64 devices with the next flight once the issue is fixed.
  12. salco

    salco Bit poster

    I can install Windows 10 on ARM Insider Preview build 21286 on MacBook Air M1 thank to Parallels Desktop 16 for M1 Mac Technical Preview 2 in last week and still work well today.
    But I would like to know how to extend period of Parallels Desktop 16 for M1 Mac Technical Preview 2
    . The default period is only 14 days. That's not enough.
    The user would like to have longer activation period , we have purchased Parallels Desktop 16 for Mac Standard edition license.
    Please advise how to extend M1 Mac Technical Preview 2 activation period? Will it stop using after activation period?
    Many thanks for your advice.
  13. JoelS9

    JoelS9 Bit poster

    Two questions:
    1. My Windows10 build is 21286. I have seen mentions to newer builds in this blog, but the download site still offers build 21286. How does one get newer builds, or will MS push them down to Insider users?
    2. When this Win10 first started, it did not connect to local WiFi network. The Win repair tools fixed this for a while, but then the connection pooped out again, and now the repair tools can't fix it. Any advice on this problem?
  14. JoelS9

    JoelS9 Bit poster

    How do I get to the Insider settings?
  15. JoelS9

    JoelS9 Bit poster

    BTW, I won't be able to get updates until I have restored my Windows' internet connection (see (2) in my blog)
  16. salco

    salco Bit poster


    For your first question, my testing Windows 10 for ARM Insider Preview inside Parallels Desktop Technical Preview gets update automatically by Windows update, one or two days after Windows installation. I guess it download huge files so it takes time.
    So please wait and make sure your Windows update feature is not suspended.
  17. salco

    salco Bit poster

    Hi, Just "Windows Update" feature under "Update & Security" feature set under "Settings".
    The same as other official Windows 10. But the edition is Insider Preview, so I guess MichaelH63 called it as Insider Settings.

    Attached Files:

  18. salco

    salco Bit poster


    Attached Files:

  19. JoelS9

    JoelS9 Bit poster

    I tried lots of things that I found in an Internet article - none helped. Then, after a while, the network connection was restored. Maybe a delayed response? Anyway, works now.
  20. JoelS9

    JoelS9 Bit poster

    Thanks - found it. Do I need to uninstall the current build I have, or will installing the new download automatically kick out the old one?

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