Will M1 Mac run x86 version of Parallels to run x86 version of Windows?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by JaredE, Jul 26, 2021.

  1. JaredE

    JaredE Junior Member

    I need to know if I can run x86 Windows 10 (not Windows 10 ARM) on the x86 version of Parallels on the M1 with Rosetta translation. The reason I'm asking about this is that the x86 version of Office 365 has MS Access, which doesn't have a native executable for MacOS. I realize it may run a bit more slowly but is it possible?
  2. EdwardC7

    EdwardC7 Bit poster

    Best Answer
    As BobW has said above you can run x86 Office inside the ARM version of Windows, I do this and it works just fine.
  3. kundanno

    kundanno Hunter

    Short answer no. Parallels Desktop will detect the processor type as M1 and install the supported stack. I have Office 365 on my WoA instance and it comes with Access.
  4. kundanno

    kundanno Hunter

    It's UTM Virtual Machines. It is available for $9.99 in the App Store I think. It may be using QEMU under the cover. Not sure about performance or stability.
  5. BobW11

    BobW11 Member

    Think about this carefully... Why would you want to even do that? If it's to run something in user-land why not use Windows ARM that can run x86 under emulation? Why run the entire VM in emulation and lose massive performance?
  6. EvenM

    EvenM Bit poster

    Just use windows 365 instead with remote app work perfectly
  7. EdwardC7

    EdwardC7 Bit poster

    Best Answer
    As BobW has said above you can run x86 Office inside the ARM version of Windows, I do this and it works just fine.
  8. kundanno

    kundanno Hunter

    And you can run the 64-bit version now. If your company allows it, you can even run the latest beta.

    SWANDY Pro

    I just found this thread. And while I am not the OP and understand that Office runs fine on the ARM versions of Windows, the older Intel apps don't all emulate perfectly. I can install Lotus Approach and it runs but I can't print any of my letter formats when running on either ARM version of Windows.
  10. Old thread I see, but I find the newer Parallels for Mac (M1) rude, as when I choose the prepared KaliLinux image, it results in a a single linked Kali in Parallels on M1 Mac. Older install of Parallels Intel under M1's Rosetta gave a cleaner Parallels with multiple VM capability, Parallels' KaliLinux VM seems to Bogard entire Parallels VM

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