SQL Server Update to Install on Windows for Arm

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by Mundford, May 13, 2021.

  1. ManlioL

    ManlioL Bit poster

    I was in the same situation. I was able to upgrade to Windows 11 downloading the ISO of Windows 11 22000.348 from uupdump. I have mounted the iso under Windows 10 and started the upgrade from there. Finally i have used a spare Windows 10 key to activate it. Hope this helps.
    AndyData and MrTea like this.
  2. sl.Liao

    sl.Liao Bit poster

    I have successfully installed SSMS on Windows 11 arm.
    The installed SSMS language version must be consistent with the windows 11 system language to install successfully
  3. MrTea

    MrTea Bit poster

    I finally managed to update to windows 11 by downloading an ISO and running the update. SQL Server is still running so all good there.
    What I'm missing though is IIS - is anyone running a webserver for local testing? I can run IIS express through Visual Studio but would rather run the full version.
    I need to be able to dual boot for work and at the moment I'm not convinced that running Windows on an ARM Mac is going to be reliable for development.
    Can anyone from Parallels weigh in here to convince me to stick it out? At the moment I'm trying to decide if this machine will work or if I'll need to see if I can replace it either with an older intel Mac or a PC laptop. :-(
  4. brunomelobr

    brunomelobr Bit poster

    How did you do? Do you install Windows 10, SQL Server and then upgrade to Windows 11??
    Thank you.
  5. DeborahH

    DeborahH Bit poster

    I have installed windows 11 already. How do I now install the windows 10 21354 build. Is it still available
  6. DeborahH

    DeborahH Bit poster

    Thanks for your reply. Has everyone just accepted that SQLServer will not work on the the current release of parallels with windows 11. I'm okay with that answer/not happy about it/. but would sure like to quit trying if it is known that is doesn't work. I've opened a case with Parallels but I'm not getting answers. Seems like they could just know if this works or not. If it works somewhere in the world then I'll pursue but if it is know that it does not work then I can give up and find another solutions. Thanks.
  7. JohnF47

    JohnF47 Bit poster

    Can you provide details as to how you got SSMS installed. When we try to install it gets about half way there and then does a revert and uninstalls with a "failed to install" error.
  8. Flinky

    Flinky Member

    Any new solution I can try?

    Latest Win11Pro (no Insider Preview) and Parallels 17.1.1 Pro
    Everything works fine, except SQL Express 2019
    I have a few days left, then I have to return the MBP to Apple ... seems, that I have to wait, until SQL Express 2021 for ARM is released ..
  9. JohnF47

    JohnF47 Bit poster

    If you just need to install SSMS, here is what we did.

    Install the dot net framework 3.5
    Then install the 2014 version of SSMS and it works fine.
  10. SidiR

    SidiR Bit poster

    Hi guys
    installation went well on win10 + SQL express 2019 BUT ...
    SQL Server Network Configuration node is missing from Configuration Manager
    any thoughts ?
    AbdulH7 likes this.
  11. SidiR

    SidiR Bit poster

    Figure out how to install sql server 2019 on win11.
  12. AndrewC38

    AndrewC38 Bit poster

    I'm confused. What is this a solution to? Does using Windows 11 Pro allow you to install SQL Server 2019?
  13. SidiR

    SidiR Bit poster

    No ! SQL server 2019 must be installed in win 10. And then upgrade to win11 by mounting an iso upgrade image from uup
  14. AndrewC38

    AndrewC38 Bit poster

    That's great, but when I try to install Windows 10 using the downloaded iso, Parallels says it can't install it. If you are saying that I need to download (somehow) a Windows 10 ARM, I don't understand how I can install SQL Server on Windows 10 ARM when it can't be installed on Windows 11.
  15. ArvindA

    ArvindA Bit poster

    We have done SQL Server 2019 installations for many customers globally. However, we are faced with this huge problem as follows:

    We are unable to install SQL Server 2019 (Express or Standard) in the following scenario:
    - MacBook Pro 16" / 1TB SSD / Apple M1 Max Chip / 64GB RAM / 2021 Model
    - Total Number of Cores = 10 (8 performance and 2 efficiency)
    - System Firmware Version = 7429.61.2
    - OS Loader Version = 7429.61.2
    - macOS Monterey 12.1 (updated as of 10 January 2022)
    - Parallels Ver 17
    - Windows 11 Pro (downloaded the ARM based not x86, which is the right version for my Macbook Pro M1)

    In the above environment, my observations so far after reading many threads:
    1. If the Primary Hard Drive does not exceed 980GB, SQL Server 2019 installs properly (this option is not available to me)
    2. If you have a Second "Physical" Hard Drive, SQL Server 2019 installs properly on the second drive (this option is not available to me)
    3. If you partition the Primary 1TB SSD, the problem persists because the partition is still recognised internally as "One Single Hard Drive"
    4. SQL Server 2019 can be installed successfully on Windows 10 but I am unable to install Windows 10 in the above environment due to the M1 Chip (ARM based, not x86)
    5. Even if I sign up for "Windows Insider Program", Windows 10 ISO File is not available for the above environment
    6. The Gurus say: Windows 11 verifies (this is not done by Windows 10) and returns the "Sector Size" and if it is higher than 4K (4096 Bytes), SQL Server installation fails
    7. It seems that this issue is not isolated to the Mac 2021 as even someone using a Samsung Laptop with 1TB SSD is facing the same issue
    8. Microsoft Website clearly says that SQL Server 2019 is compatible with Windows 11 (RTM) - so we should safely rule out the issues of Windows 11 pre-release version incompatibility
    9. The net result is that I have no option but to somehow get SQL Server 2019 to be successfully installed on Windows 11 in the above environment

    I followed the following steps as recommended by the Gurus (to Fix "Sector Size)

    1. Change Registry (run as Administrator) as follows:

    • New
    • Multi-String value
    • ForcedPhysicalSectorSizeInBytes
    • 4095

    2. Run the following on CMD Prompt (run as Administrator)
    "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\stornvme\Parameters\Device" /v "ForcedPhysicalSectorSizeInBytes" /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d "* 4095" /f​

    3. Verify as follows on CMD Prompt (run as Administrator):
    REG QUERY "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\stornvme\Parameters\Device" /v "ForcedPhysicalSectorSizeInBytes"​

    4. Run the following on PowerShell (run as Administrator)
    New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\stornvme\Parameters\Device" -Name "ForcedPhysicalSectorSizeInBytes" -PropertyType MultiString -Force -Value "* 4095"​

    5. Verify the following on PowerShell (run as Administrator)
    Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\stornvme\Parameters\Device" -Name "ForcedPhysicalSectorSizeInBytes"​

    6. Restart Windows 11 and Install SQL Server 2019

    My Results after doing the above
    SQL Server Standard 2019 Installation Results:

    Installation Failed for
    1. Data Quality Services
    2. Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search
    3. Python
    4. R
    5. Machine Learning Services and Language Extensions
    6. Database Engine Services
    7. SQL Server Replication


    I really need your help in getting a resolution for the above. It is really strange that both SQL Server 2019 and Windows 11 are Microsoft products and they seem to have such a huge glitch.

    Can someone senior from Parallels take this up with Microsoft and get us a quick patch. After all, Parallels is generating a huge amount of business for Microsoft and the MS folks must listen to Parallels.

    Thank you in advance, everyone!
  16. ArvindA

    ArvindA Bit poster

    I doubt this is a long term solution. IMHO, Win 11 newer versions will block this upgrade sooner or later. At the minimum, SQL Server will face issues soon enough.

    Hence the big question is : Is it worth taking the risK?
  17. Saikatd

    Saikatd Bit poster

    We have done SQL Server 2019 installations for many customers globally. However, we are faced with this huge problem as follows:

    We are unable to install SQL Server 2019 (Express or Standard) in the following scenario:

    - MacBook Pro 16" / 1TB SSD / Apple M1 Max Chip / 64GB RAM / 2021 Model

    - Total Number of Cores = 10 (8 performance and 2 efficiency)

    - System Firmware Version = 7429.61.2

    - OS Loader Version = 7429.61.2

    - macOS Monterey 12.1 (updated as of 10 January 2022)

    - Parallels Ver 17

    - Windows 11 Pro (downloaded the ARM based not x86, which is the right version for my Macbook Pro M1)

    In the above environment, my observations so far after reading many threads:

    1. If the Primary Hard Drive does not exceed 980GB, SQL Server 2019 installs properly (this option is not available to me)

    2. If you have a Second "Physical" Hard Drive, SQL Server 2019 installs properly on the second drive (this option is not available to me)

    3. If you partition the Primary 1TB SSD, the problem persists because the partition is still recognised internally as "One Single Hard Drive"

    4. SQL Server 2019 can be installed successfully on Windows 10 but I am unable to install Windows 10 in the above environment due to the M1 Chip (ARM based, not x86)

    5. Even if I sign up for "Windows Insider Program", Windows 10 ISO File is not available for the above environment

    6. The Gurus say: Windows 11 verifies (this is not done by Windows 10) and returns the "Sector Size" and if it is higher than 4K (4096 Bytes), SQL Server installation fails

    7. It seems that this issue is not isolated to the Mac 2021 as even someone using a Samsung Laptop with 1TB SSD is facing the same issue

    8. Microsoft Website clearly says that SQL Server 2019 is compatible with Windows 11 (RTM) - so we should safely rule out the issues of Windows 11 pre-release version incompatibility

    9. The net result is that I have no option but to somehow get SQL Server 2019 to be successfully installed on Windows 11 in the above environment

    I followed the following steps as recommended by the Gurus (to Fix "Sector Size)

    1. Change Registry (run as Administrator) as follows:


    · New

    · Multi-String value

    · ForcedPhysicalSectorSizeInBytes

    · 4095

    2. Run the following on CMD Prompt (run as Administrator)

    "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\stornvme\Parameters\Device" /v "ForcedPhysicalSectorSizeInBytes" /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d "* 4095" /f

    3. Verify as follows on CMD Prompt (run as Administrator):

    REG QUERY "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\stornvme\Parameters\Device" /v "ForcedPhysicalSectorSizeInBytes"

    4. Run the following on PowerShell (run as Administrator)

    New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\stornvme\Parameters\Device" -Name "ForcedPhysicalSectorSizeInBytes" -PropertyType MultiString -Force -Value "* 4095"

    5. Verify the following on PowerShell (run as Administrator)

    Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\stornvme\Parameters\Device" -Name "ForcedPhysicalSectorSizeInBytes"

    6. Restart Windows 11 and Install SQL Server 2019

    My Results after doing the above

    SQL Server Standard 2019 Installation Results:

    Installation Failed for

    1. Data Quality Services

    2. Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search

    3. Python

    4. R

    5. Machine Learning Services and Language Extensions

    6. Database Engine Services

    7. SQL Server Replication



    I really need your help in getting a resolution for the above. It is really strange that both SQL Server 2019 and Windows 11 are Microsoft products and they seem to have such a huge glitch.

    Thank you in advance, everyone!


    Attached Files:

  18. ArvindA

    ArvindA Bit poster

    My research tells me the following regarding M1 Mac 64GB / 1TB HDD / Parallels 17 / SQL Server 2019:
    1. If the Primary Hard Drive does not exceed 980GB, SQL Server 2019 installs properly
    2. If you have a Second "Physical" Hard Drive, SQL Server 2019 installs properly on the second drive
    3. If you partition the Primary 1TB SSD, the problem persists because the partition is still recognised internally as "One Single Hard Drive"
    4. Windows 11 verifies (this is not done by Windows 10) and returns the "Sector Size" and if this is higher than 4K (4096 Bytes) which is the case if Primary Drive is 1TB or higher, SQL Server installation fails
    5. It seems that this issue is not isolated to the Mac 2021 as even someone using a Samsung Laptop with 1TB SSD is facing the same issue
    6. Microsoft Website clearly says that SQL Server 2019 is compatible with Windows 11 (RTM) - so we should safely rule out the issues of Windows 11 pre-release version incompatibility

    What are your thoughts?
  19. BlakeC2

    BlakeC2 Bit poster

    After facing the 4096 byte sector size bug in windows 11 I figured out how to create a VHD disk that solved that particular issue. SQL Server 2019 unfortunately would go all the way through and fail on the last step though. Eventually gave up and installed 32 bit version of SQL Server 2014. That'll have to do for now until an actual fix can be found.

    If only I could find that Windows 10 Insider preview, seems Microsoft removed it from their servers unfortunately.
  20. GiuseppeS7

    GiuseppeS7 Bit poster

    Hi all,
    please parallels provide a working image of windows 10 on arm for install sql server 2019, the iso creato cmd doesn't work in my case.
    help is appreciated, thanks in advance, if the sql works i will buy parallels, actually i have a trial.

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