Black screen on Windows 11 VM

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by MarkN8, Mar 15, 2022.

  1. MarkN8

    MarkN8 Junior Member

    I had been running Parallels 17.0.1 for some time with no issues. I have a MacBook Air with macOS 12.3. Today I upgraded Parallels to 17.1.1. When I ran my Windows 11 VM, it started as usual, and Parallels Tools was upgraded. I restarted Windows after that. Once Windows was up and I entered my password, there was a longer-than-usual pause, then a black screen instead of my Windows desktop. Restarting Windows or restarting Parallels had no effect.

    Any ideas as to what is happening and how I could fix it? Thanks!
  2. MelanieW1

    MelanieW1 Bit poster

    I have exactly the same problem and i`m completely at a loss as to what I can do to fix the problem. I hope someone can help. :(
  3. MelanieW1

    MelanieW1 Bit poster

    I think i´ve got it. Look at the menu of windows 11, klick to actions and then "Zurücksetzen" - in english it means "reset to default". Windows 11 is running again!

    Attached Files:

  4. MarkN8

    MarkN8 Junior Member

    The next time I used my Windows 11 VM, I tried doing Actions/Reset, but the screen was still black. Not frozen, but black. Then, a few minutes later, the screen became normal. Not sure why! I restarted Windows to make sure, and the normal desktop in normal colors came up. It appears that my issue has resolved itself... unless it was a delayed reaction from the reset.
    jeroenw1 likes this.
  5. BastianA

    BastianA Bit poster

    I am on Ventura. What worked for me was to suspend the machine with the button on control panel, after that I pressed start again and then Windows 11 came back to work normally.
    Aldo2 likes this.
  6. Aldo2

    Aldo2 Bit poster

    This worked for me as well, I'm on Ventura. After suspending and pressing start it popped up normally again. Thank you for the advice!
  7. denethor

    denethor Junior Member

    Hi there, first time in here.

    Above solution (suspend/resume) no longer solves the problem for me after yesterdays Beta 2 update of Ventura. (Build 22A5286j) I am on MacBook Pro 16" with M1 Pro. Actually this is kind a weird because it was working for a almost 6-8hrs after Beta 2 and it stopped working after this morning. Same applies to to newly created VM as suggested at the end of KB123094
  8. JeremyW15

    JeremyW15 Bit poster

    Thanks so much, I have a MacBook Air with an M1 chip, the screen was going blank (not black) for me. The reset worked for me and I am back running Windows 11 again!
  9. AnthonyM20

    AnthonyM20 Bit poster

    Same. Whereas with beta 1 I was able to get more or less normal functionality after a suspend / reactivate, now it just seems to show for 5 seconds or so, then go black. Doing the suspend again just repeats the result. This is whether it is in full screen, coherence or PIP.

    I realise that this is a beta, but there has to be a long term fix for this. Can we have any kind of update on the position, please?
  10. E.P1

    E.P1 Bit poster

    I'm having the same problem running Windows 11 and Mac OS Ventura and the above did not fix it for me. I need Windows for work I hope this gets resolved soon.
  11. AnthonyM20

    AnthonyM20 Bit poster

    Great support, Parallels. Very proactive...
  12. Govart

    Govart Bit poster

    I've fixed it. Try to uninstall any software like classic start (to manage start menu). Uninstall parallels tools and try to reboot. It works for me.
  13. jeroenw1

    jeroenw1 Bit poster

    Thanks, did the job for me straight away. It basically restarted Windows.
  14. AsmusE

    AsmusE Bit poster

    I'm on Ventura on a M1 Macbook running Windows 11 - all the above fixes don't work for me to get rid of the black screen. As I can't run Windows 11 at all is there any way to get into safe mode?
  15. TekD

    TekD Bit poster

    my screen goes black while in full screen mode and using zoom or playing videos, while when i don't touch keyboard for few mins it goes black and again when i touch the keyboard or trackpad it comes back!
  16. MennoE1

    MennoE1 Bit poster

    Hi all,

    I am new to this forum and I've had the same problem. What I had was, when booting, the system goes in a black screen instantly. I have a MacBook Pro with M1 Pro and 16GB RAM and Parallels version 19.

    What I did was the following:
    - Create a new VM (in my case Windows 11)
    - If everything is installed and set to your own settings, shut down the VM.
    - Open Control Center
    - Click on the settings icon of your new VM
    - Go to the "Hardware" tap
    - Click on "Hard Drive" on the left side
    - Click on "Source" and then on "Choose an image file"
    You probably see 2 VM's, 1 is your older one and the other is the new one.
    - Unfold your older VM
    - Select "harddisk.hdd" and press "Open"
    - Then select again "harddisk.hdd" (even if it says "zero bytes", click on it)

    If all the steps above are done, open your new VM and it's all fixed. A fresh install (in my case) windows 11 and saved my data.

    Hopefully this is what for you guys.
  17. Pramesh Boodadoo

    Pramesh Boodadoo Staff Member

    For us to further investigate this issue, kindly reproduce the issue and collect a technical report (right-click Parallels icon in Dock > Help > Send technical data > check "Attach screenshots..." > press Send Report) and provide us with the report's 9-digit ID in reply to this post.
    Thank you.
  18. Pramesh Boodadoo

    Pramesh Boodadoo Staff Member

    For us to further investigate this issue, kindly reproduce the issue and collect a technical report (right-click Parallels icon in Dock > Help > Send technical data > check "Attach screenshots..." > press Send Report) and provide us with the report's 9-digit ID in reply to this post.

    Thank you.
  19. LamarS1

    LamarS1 Bit poster


    I have the same issue and there is nowhere to get help! What did we spend out money on?
  20. ErmiasA

    ErmiasA Bit poster

    Thank you very much. This helped.

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