Parallels 6 -- Parallels Tools failing to install

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by GeoffreyC, Sep 9, 2010.

  1. Herve

    Herve Bit poster

    Have tried the task of article 8969 without anymore success
  2. AlmirG

    AlmirG Bit poster

    Guys & girls: no idea whatsoever, but it installed....
    Trying (with not very much hope) to follow KB 8689
    1. Uninstalling Parallels tools. Well, it did not show in "Add/Remove Programs", so next step
    2. Tried (yet again) to install Parallels tools, no good.
    3. Uninstall Antivirus program. Mine was Kaspersky (bought alongside Parallels). Oddly there was 2 Kaspersky antivirus entries on "Add/Remove". Uninstalled. Rebooted.
    4. A boot load of "Found new hardware" screens. Cancel everyone. End up in VGA...
    5. Installed Parallels tools and... it installs!
    6. Working now. o_O???
  3. alan crawford

    alan crawford Bit poster

    amazed !!

    hi there, if i understand the situation correctly, i've responded to marketing, paid $66 aus dollars, downloaded the upgrade, installed it and now can't install the tools - i.e it they don't work !!!! Spent - no wasted, at least 3 hours so far of my time .. and it won't communicate with the psf drive, it won't install, it doesn't work at all. Is there any news on how a fix can be provided, or can someone please offer a solution that does work. thanks alan
    maybe i should add i've gone from 5 to 6 and have the latest os on a new imac - oh and it's white !!!!!
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2010
  4. MarkH

    MarkH Junior Member

    Thanks Summitscout, that was the exact issue I was having too. I don't think I have had an application ask for the WindowsXP disk for about 7 years... what a blast to the past!
  5. alan crawford

    alan crawford Bit poster

    still no luck or advice ..

    today i retried all the methods prescribed, and even reloaded windows 7, still no psf, and it still doesn't work ? please help me to restore my computer into full working order, not the damaged situation i have now. thanks
  6. Herbert Kwong

    Herbert Kwong Bit poster

    Thanks! This method works for me!

  7. alan crawford

    alan crawford Bit poster

    result !!

    I don't know why or even how, but it's now working. I tried loading the tools, while my apple version of kaspersky was running a full scan .. it worked, i reset the windows settings and you wouldn't know there's ever been problem. I spent all weekend trying all sorts of so called fixes .. even without a response from those charged with doing so !! I wait for such a response, with a new found patience.
  8. GiampaoloS

    GiampaoloS Member

    Parallels Tools... here too... help!

    I tried to re-install 8 times... (I left it trying to install for 4.5hrs).
    Now I'm in the situation that I can't neither launch it... I got the message: "Failed to create "root enumerated device" necessary to install Parallels Paravirtualization driver.

    From here, it requires every single instance to reboot, and from here, no chance to install it.

    - I tried the safe boot mode but it doesn't present the No option (at the beginning).
    - I have a McAfee running, but is a corporate's one and I cannot disable it.
    - I tried to clean the temp files, the registry entries, and the temp files there, no chances at all to bring it back to a "virgin" situation.


    There must be a way to sort this out...

    thank you.
  9. lazrotoo

    lazrotoo Bit poster

    Continuous grief

    I, too, have tried multiple times to install using the provided instructions. None have proven successful and what was a perfectly satisfactory version 5 is now reduced to comparative rubble. Worse, the continued arrival of insistent emails to get me to upgrade when I have already done so (to my chagrin of course) is not likely to commend Parallels to me.
    From all I have read, this process of installing the tools appears to be random and not subject to any logical process; whether or not it really is a Windows problem or a Parallels alibi, who really knows.
    Certainly if you follow the last step it commits your version of Windows to the depths, never to rise again and you will have to restore from a known good version at least a day before you drank the cool-aid.

    The chat service (well it's not worthy of the term service because they will only do steps 1 and 2 of the 8969 Bulletin) assured me that I would receive an email from the next level of service and that did not happen. I suppose we have to accept that the Parallels team must have someone working on this problem - probably a couple of exhausted programmers who wish they were elsewhere - and just maybe we'll see some progress. I am sure that my payment will already have been sequestered in somebody's pockets and it sure isn't the service side.

    Meanwhile, if anyone knows of a product like Visio that runs happily on my Mac, I will be inclined to ask the Parelleloids for my money back and go and buy that software instead.

    Machine is a Powerbook Pro running a current version of Snow Leopard.
    P5 ran great and it was perfectly adequate (more fool me)
    Windows XP sp3 ran ... well, like Windows.
    All virus stuff was killed off just for the parallels exercise.
    All registry entries were exorcized as instructed.
    The Parallels installer does its "stuff" (except not all of its stuff of course) and flashes a few times and then siezes; it hangs. Even if left alone for aeons (12 hours plus) it shows that it uses 100% cpu cycles and gets the machine warm, so electrons are being shuffled fairly frequently. What is interesting is that sometimes it refills the registry soon and sometimes it takes a long time to do this. Sometimes there is a folder called Parallels Tools in the program folder and sometimes there isn't. There is always a folder called this on the C drive though (under My Computer).

    I admit to being at a loss now, other than mindless rebooting and letting the machine cook.
    It really is time that the Parallels outfit gave some kind of status report as to where they are with resolving all this. Even if they don't know yet, at least they might have the decency to show us signs of interest in the process.

    Any more guidelines from other confused users?

    Best to all...
  10. lazrotoo

    lazrotoo Bit poster

    On the off chance that this is useful for someone, It creates a "Parallels Shared Folder" on the Windows desk top but as a short cut. The target is \\psf but a search on the machine does not find it. Does anyone know where this should point or what should be in the aPointed place?
  11. joevt

    joevt Forum Maven

    \\psf is created by a Parallels Windows file system driver (PrlSF) which communicates with the Parallels Mac software. The file system driver presents your Mac shared folders and their contents to Windows under \\psf.

    Other file systems are NTFS, FAT, CDFS, etc.

    Anything in \\psf is considered to be on a Network Drive even though it doesn't use the network to work.
  12. lazrotoo

    lazrotoo Bit poster

    OK, thank you. The error message is "\\psf is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. .... The specified network provider name is invalid"

    An oddly named network drive appears on my Mac side but when I try to interact with it it vanishes. I admit to being at a loss but when the windows side restarts, it throws out the Parallels Shared Folder and then we get a blank (except for the trash) windows screen with no desktop icons. Iseas anyone?
  13. joevt

    joevt Forum Maven

    Looks like the Parallels Shared Folder file system driver wasn't installed properly.

    Do you see stuff installed at C:\Program Files\Parallels\Parallels Tools ?

    Do you see drivers in C:\Program Files\Parallels\Parallels Tools\Drivers ?

    The file system driver is in C:\Program Files\Parallels\Parallels Tools\Drivers\prl_fs. Maybe you can right click the .inf file and select Install. But bypassing the Parallels Tools installer might be a bad idea.

    Maybe try connecting the Parallels Tools .iso to the virtual CD/DVD (the .iso is at /Library/Parallels/prl-tools-win.iso), then navigate to D:\Data\i386 (or D:\Data\amd64 for 64 bit), right-click parallels-tools.msi and select Repair.

    Did the network drive look like like "[C] Your Virtual Machine Name" ? That is from the "Mount virtual disks to Mac desktop" option. Deselect it for now.

    Do you have "Share Mac user folders with Windows" enabled? Deselect it for now.
  14. lazrotoo

    lazrotoo Bit poster

    Yes the drivers are there.
    The Tools.iso file is already assigned to the CD/DVD reader
    The repair option is not available because it says it's only there for installed stuff and it isn't. Clicking on Install gets you back to the install screens again - ah well.....
    Yes the Network drive is the virtual machine name. (I knew I had seen it somewhere but couldn't recall where).
    The drive unmounts when the parallels installer is running.
    Thank you very much for trying to educate me - I do appreciate the effort on your part. Certainly I have a better grasp of what is going on but unfortunately not enough to fix things. This is actually a neat puzzle and the frustration has been replaced by a curiosity - far better for my soul.
  15. RogerY

    RogerY Bit poster

    Just upgraded to Build 6.0.11822. Now I am in an endless loop trying to upgrade my parallels tools ending in error 1714.
    My vm is windows xp.
  16. joevt

    joevt Forum Maven

  17. RogerY

    RogerY Bit poster

    Used the MS utility and follow the manual steps outlined except for the antivirus related ones. Parallel tools installed now. Sure do appreciate the help that you gave.
  18. lazrotoo

    lazrotoo Bit poster

    So I installed the Kaspersky for Mac (following a hint earlier in this thread) but it made no difference - it all still hung. Yup, followed 8969 one step at a time again but no changes.
    Then I ran a registry cleaner and something new has happened. Now the install starts and shows a PSF icon on the desktop briefly only to roll everything back and tell me it failed to install, click OK and restart and try again. This one is an endless loop.
    Any ideas would be welcome at this point; yes I did undo the registry repair and it still fails to install. The really bad bit is that it no longer has a recovery point from where this all started a couple of weeks ago. Now I may well be up a gum tree. Windows still tries to run but though I can open programs, it does not see the old documents. The network says it knows about .psf home but can't get there from here.
    Windows did install a bunch of updates when I did a real shut down so it at least knows about and can get to pieces of the outside world but still no parallels tools.

    Comments anyone?
  19. lazrotoo

    lazrotoo Bit poster

    Tools is now loaded

    I determined that a fresh load of XP was the best route. This solved the installation problem but took a while.
    Current status is that Kaspersky will not install from the Virtual Machine menu.

    Any suggestions? No downloading it from the Kas website will not allow me to activate it.
  20. mrblog

    mrblog Junior Member

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