Most Recently Used Files (MRU) on Windows VM

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Nicolas Fletcher, Jan 9, 2017.

  1. Nicolas Fletcher

    Nicolas Fletcher Bit poster


    I have noticed that since (I think) PD12, recently used files on my Mac show up in my Windows VM.

    In some ways this could be considered a really cool feature... but since I use my VM for work and my Mac for personal, I would rather not have my recently used personal files appear on my Windows VM.

    Does anyone know of any way to disable this functionality? I can't seem to find it, and Google (and this forum) is showing nothing related to this.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hello Nicolas, Shared Profile Tool enables you to share your Mac desktop, pictures, documents, downloads, music and videos with your virtual machine, which allows you to access them right from Windows.
    Please follow the steps below to disable Shared Profile Tool:
    1. Open virtual machine window (Do not click Start).
    2. Open virtual machine configuration > switch to Options tab > Sharing.
    3. Untick Shared Profile checkbox and change Share Folders to All Disks / Home folder only. Also, untick "Shared Profile"
  3. Nicolas Fletcher

    Nicolas Fletcher Bit poster

    Thanks for a quick response.
    Unfortunately, that is not what I personally want (and might believe many others would want - but what do I know?)!
    I want my desktop and documents shared... I simply don't want my recently used files on the Mac shared to Windows (which didn't use to happen).
    While I believe this is SUPER functionality for many use cases, it's not applicable to all. So, really this should be an option in the Share Profile settings, where I can choose if MRU files are shared to the VM or not.
    Could you forward this request to your development / product management team? Or is there some dirty workaround also available?
    Thanks again, Nic.

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