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After upgrading from i9 to M1 Mac I get the message that my activation limit has reached and I am not able to activate other devices. I already...
您好,我在网上购买了Parallels Desktop的许可证,商家称是批量授权,让我在上下载了激活器后激活软件。请问贵软件是否有此激活方式? Hello, I bought Parallels...
Hi, I would like to ask about the title. When I tried to install Parallels Desktop 20 on an Intel Mac, version 18 was installed instead. Can a...
Hi. I recently changed my Macbook and I deleted all files about Parallels without backup at Old MacBook. Now I installed Parallels Desktop 18 for...
I have just migrated my working mac to a new laptop, but unable to activate pd 17 used in my previous mac. Firstly I was prompted to enter the pd...
Hello, I have a licence for Parallels Desktop 10 on Mac. I followed the documentation to get the serial line (ending with 38464) and need help to...
This post is intended as feedback so I hope that the Parallels moderator team pick this up. In my home I use a Mac mini and have Parallels...
Hi, I've upgraded my Mac and after installing Parallels, the activation (correctly) says that my license is used on another Mac, but when I try...
Hello! My license is not working when activating on a new Mac. I tried to follow the KB articles but I didn't have an option to disable my old...
Hi, I moved to a new Mac and cannot activate my my license for Par 15. Also I cannot inactivate the license in my account. This happens every time...
Hello, I am using Parallels Desktop Pro Edition on a MacBook Pro with M1 Pro. When activating Windows with a new product key for Windows 11 pro on...
I purcvhased the standalone version but did not receive the download link and activation code
I had an activation key linked to an account that I can no longer access because the mail I used is now deactivated. Is there a way to access my...
Hello i need assistance activating my license on a new mac i purchased. This was never an issue previously but now it says i've reached my limit....
I just bought Parallels and registered my email with a new strong password. The mail and password seem to be valid. I tried logging in from the...
The support team has not responded for 2 weeks. I'm complaining. I bought a new Macbook. I have parallels desktop 18 as one time. So I can't...
Dear Sirs, I bought Parallels yesterday because an app I would need to use pretty much daily (a railway reservation system) will only run in...
I have just purchased a new MacBook Pro and am trying to activate parallels toolbox on my new device. When prompted to deactivate my account on...