Uh, we're not talking natural law here. There is no God-given right to install multiple copies of a piece of software that are running on the same CPU---simultaneous or otherwise. If Microsoft wants to be a stick in the mud, by instituting licensing terms that force us to have separate licenses for Boot Camp and Parallels, that's their prerogative.
So let's not kid anyone. If you choose to lie to Microsoft in order to do the install, that's your choice. But you're not a "victim" being forced to lie by an evil corporate entity; you are simply someone who feels like lying to save a few bucks. And that's kind of funny, really, given that you paid a premium to get your hands on the first Intel Macs to come down the pike.
Certainly, I'm encouraged by the folks in this thread for whom Microsoft seemed cooperative, despite their frank description of what they were doing. But I suspect that, at any moment, Microsoft could "educate" their activation support staff; and their behavior would change overnight.
At the same time, Microsoft could also come out with an explicit policy permitting this kind of parallel install, and I would welcome it. I certainly think it should.
Last edited: Jul 14, 2006