10.1.3 - Will not install

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Ewen_Cameron, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. Ewen_Cameron

    Ewen_Cameron Junior Member

    I had Parallels Ver 7 running well for a few years on my Mac.
    I bought Ver 10 a couple of months ago but it would not install (just got progress bar for about 1 second and then it disappears).
    I am currently running OS X 10.8.5 on a Mac Pro 4.1
    I thought I would try again today as I had a bit of spare time and I had noticed a newer version was available.
    So after downloading the latest version..
    1. I have uninstalled ver 7 using the uninstaller app that came with version 7
    2. Removed anything I could find using Mac search function and searching for Parallels
    3. Repaired the Disk Permissions.
    4. Restarted Mac
    5. Tried installing again

    Have now tried this several times and the progress bar says checking for new software then disappears after about 1 seconds and nothing else happens until I force quit the installer.

    I have also tried running from the 'install' file after using 'show package contents' and this is what I get......

    0 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff86db7b06 __exceptionPreprocess + 198
    1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00007fff8d0fa3f0 objc_exception_throw + 43
    2 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff86d7c1d7 -[__NSPlaceholderDictionary initWithObjects:forKeys:count:] + 119
    3 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff86da99f9 +[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:forKeys:count:] + 57
    4 libPrlGui.2.dylib 0x0000000106a3dd3b _ZN22CSignalSelectorBinding12onSlotCalledEv + 1259
    5 libPrlGui.2.dylib 0x0000000106a3de2e _ZN22CSignalSelectorBinding12onSlotCalledEv + 1502
    6 libPrlGui.2.dylib 0x0000000106a3da28 _ZN22CSignalSelectorBinding12onSlotCalledEv + 472
    7 libPrlGui.2.dylib 0x0000000106a3f5bf _ZN22CSignalSelectorBinding12onSlotCalledEv + 7535
    8 libPrlGui.2.dylib 0x0000000106a3ef5c _ZN22CSignalSelectorBinding12onSlotCalledEv + 5900
    9 libPrlGui.2.dylib 0x0000000106a3eb89 _ZN22CSignalSelectorBinding12onSlotCalledEv + 4921
    10 libPrlGui.2.dylib 0x0000000106a3e2ee _ZN22CSignalSelectorBinding12onSlotCalledEv + 2718
    11 libPrlGui.2.dylib 0x0000000106a6abc7 _ZN21CTitleBarControllerQt24createTitleBarControllerEP7QWidget + 119
    12 libPrlGui.2.dylib 0x0000000106b24e62 _ZNK18CProductUpdateInfo15getMajorVersionEv + 1010
    13 libPrlGui.2.dylib 0x0000000106b2540f _ZN11CEULADialogC2ERK23CEULADialogStyleOptionsP7QWidget + 415
    14 libPrlGui.2.dylib 0x0000000106b0ab1a _ZN13CTaskShowEULA8showEULAEv + 58
    15 libPrlGui.2.dylib 0x0000000106b894a3 _ZN9CPrlStyle11qt_metacallEN11QMetaObject4CallEiPPv + 115
    16 QtCorePrl 0x0000000109a33f6c _ZNK11QMetaMethod6invokeEP7QObjectN2Qt14ConnectionTypeE22QGenericReturnArgument16QGenericArgumentS5_S5_S5_S5_S5_S5_S5_S5_S5_ + 1548
    17 QtCorePrl 0x0000000109a363fc _ZN11QMetaObject12invokeMethodEP7QObjectPKcN2Qt14ConnectionTypeE22QGenericReturnArgument16QGenericArgumentS7_S7_S7_S7_S7_S7_S7_S7_S7_ + 1324
    18 libAbstractTask.1.dylib 0x0000000109080c9b _ZN13CAbstractTask14performSubTaskEv + 539
    19 libAbstractTask.1.dylib 0x000000010907ffc2 _Z17setupTasksLoggingRK7QStringb + 482
    20 libAbstractTask.1.dylib 0x000000010907ffed _Z17setupTasksLoggingRK7QStringb + 525
    21 QtCorePrl 0x0000000109a3dfb1 _ZN7QObject5eventEP6QEvent + 1073
    22 QtGuiPrl 0x0000000109d22a9d _ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent + 189
    23 QtGuiPrl 0x0000000109d2939e _ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent + 254
    24 QtCorePrl 0x0000000109a2ab4c _ZN16QCoreApplication14notifyInternalEP7QObjectP6QEvent + 124
    25 QtCorePrl 0x0000000109a2bd40 _ZN23QCoreApplicationPrivate16sendPostedEventsEP7QObjectiP11QThreadData + 848
    26 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff86d36b31 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 17
    27 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff86d36455 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 245
    28 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff86d597f5 __CFRunLoopRun + 789
    29 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff86d590e2 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 290
    30 HIToolbox 0x00007fff90a8beb4 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 209
    31 HIToolbox 0x00007fff90a8bb94 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 166
    32 HIToolbox 0x00007fff90a8bae3 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 62
    33 AppKit 0x00007fff8c1da533 _DPSNextEvent + 685
    34 AppKit 0x00007fff8c1d9df2 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 128
    35 AppKit 0x00007fff8c1d11a3 -[NSApplication run] + 517
    36 QtGuiPrl 0x0000000109cdc470 _ZN14QDesktopWidget11resizeEventEP12QResizeEvent + 13040
    37 QtCorePrl 0x0000000109a29a54 _ZN10QEventLoop13processEventsE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE + 68
    38 QtCorePrl 0x0000000109a29e04 _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE + 324
    39 QtCorePrl 0x0000000109a2c23c _ZN16QCoreApplication4execEv + 188
    40 prl_client_app 0x0000000102ff427f start + 815423
    41 prl_client_app 0x0000000102f2d174 start + 52
    42 ??? 0x0000000000000001 0x0 + 1
  2. Ewen_Cameron

    Ewen_Cameron Junior Member

    Ok I have just re-installed Parallels Ver 7 just to make sure it would install ok and it does. So obviously this is a problem with the newer installer on OS X 10.8.5, does anyone know of any incompatible software which causes the installer not to function correctly?
  3. ShawnR1

    ShawnR1 Bit poster

    I experienced this issue as well (I'm on OS X 10.10.2), but managed to get through it by force closing Parallels, and on next launch the installer ran correctly. The problem afterwards however is that Parallels Tools for Windows fails to install.

    I started by uninstalling, rebooting, and reinstalling. Next I mounted the PTools ISO image in Windows, and tried to launch every way I could possibly imagine. I even launched PTAdmin.exe with Admin elevation in Windows but it fails. No logging or Windows error events were created. The install begins with a short progress bar then goes to error.

    My guess is that they made fixes for Win10 beta, but broke compatibility with Windows 8 in my case. What's worse, the Tools installer does not gracefully close, I have to Taskkill it. I may just have to disable the Tools update check in startup items if possible to prevent being nagged, until Parallels fixes this issue.
  4. ShawnR1

    ShawnR1 Bit poster

    Update, my VM was simply out of disk space causing Tools installation to fail.
  5. Ewen_Cameron

    Ewen_Cameron Junior Member

    Have now spent over 8 hours trying to get this to install on 4 separate occasions.

    I downloaded version 9 and that also installs fine. Support won't provide me with a licence for ver 9 saying they don't sell it anymore.
    If I try installing version 10 over the top of version 9 (without deleting all the files first) the installer actually finishes, but then the activate menu is greyed out so I cannot activate the product.

    As I had left it for such a long time, I can no longer get a refund so I am now stuck with software I have paid for but cannot use.

    I am amazed no one else has had the same problem and I cannot find an answer to this anywhere on the web.
  6. Ewen_Cameron

    Ewen_Cameron Junior Member

    Can a support person please look at these Parallels Log files.....

    This is after running 'PDremove' (which doesn't seem to remove much at all) and then manually deleting all the parallels files I can find on the system and restarting.... Repair permissions etc etc

    I have also tried 3 different installer files for version 10, so it can't be a dodgy installer that I have.

    All the installers just hang and I have to force quit! - Unless I install ver 9 first then it will finish installing, but I then cannot activate it!

    02-17 19:05:27.412 F /gui:436:707/ Failed to resolve some OS X symbols
    02-17 19:05:27.433 F /gui:436:707/ RLIMIT_NOFILE changed to maximum: 10240
    02-17 19:05:27.438 F /cmn_utils:436:707/ ParallelsDirs::Init( ) was called. Current app mode = 1 ( DESKTOP_MAC ) initOpts = 0 build version: 10.1.4 (28883) rev 0 Tue, 03 Feb 2015 18:52:03
    02-17 19:05:27.460 F /cmn_utils:436:707/ ParallelsDirs::Init( ) was called. Current app mode = 1 ( DESKTOP_MAC ) initOpts = 0 build version: 10.1.4 (28883) rev 0 Tue, 03 Feb 2015 18:52:03
    02-17 19:05:27.460 F /cmn_utils:436:707/ ParallelsDirs::Init( ) was called. Current app mode = 1 ( DESKTOP_MAC ) initOpts = 0 build version: 10.1.4 (28883) rev 0 Tue, 03 Feb 2015 18:52:03
    02-17 19:05:27.490 I /cmn_utils:436:707/ SBA mode approved, path '/Volumes/Parallels Desktop 10/Parallels Desktop.app/'
    02-17 19:05:27.516 F /PrlGui:436:707/ Can't' run from /Volumes/Parallels Desktop 10/Parallels Desktop.app - statfs flags 4209419.
    02-17 19:05:27.722 I /gui:436:707/ Updater file = [/Volumes/Parallels Desktop 10/Parallels Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/prl_updater_ctl]. Update mode = [desktop]
    02-17 19:05:27.722 I /gui:436:707/ Updater file = [/Volumes/Parallels Desktop 10/Parallels Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/prl_updater_app]. Update mode = [desktop]
    02-17 19:05:27.737 F /PrlGui:436:707/ Can't' run from /Volumes/Parallels Desktop 10/Parallels Desktop.app - statfs flags 4209419.
    02-17 19:05:27.742 F [AppController] /gui:436:707/ !!! Can not load localized images from /Volumes/Parallels Desktop 10/Parallels Desktop.app/Contents/Resources/en.lproj/prl_client_app.rcc !!!

    02-17 19:05:27.765 I /PrlLocale:436:707/ Load the translation files from '/Volumes/Parallels Desktop 10/Parallels Desktop.app/Contents/Resources/en.lproj'
    02-17 19:05:27.770 I /PrlLocale:436:707/ Failed to load the translation files
    02-17 19:05:27.774 F /PrlGui:436:707/ Can't' run from /Volumes/Parallels Desktop 10/Parallels Desktop.app - statfs flags 4209419.
    02-17 19:05:27.774 I /gui:436:707/ Windows purchase has been disabled!

    02-17 19:05:27.923 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Starting task StartApplication <0x7fbd533665b0> execution
    02-17 19:05:27.923 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Task StartApplication <0x7fbd533665b0>: new subtask is InitSdk <1>
    02-17 19:05:27.923 F /cmn_utils:436:707/ ParallelsDirs::Init( ) was called. Current app mode = 1 ( DESKTOP_MAC ) initOpts = 0 build version: 10.1.4 (28883) rev 0 Tue, 03 Feb 2015 18:52:03
    02-17 19:05:27.924 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Task StartApplication <0x7fbd533665b0>: new subtask is CheckIfRunning <2>
    02-17 19:05:27.924 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Task StartApplication <0x7fbd533665b0>: new subtask is CheckIfHostArchSupported <3>
    02-17 19:05:27.924 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Task StartApplication <0x7fbd533665b0>: new subtask is CheckSafeBoot <4>
    02-17 19:05:27.924 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Task StartApplication <0x7fbd533665b0>: new subtask is SmartInstall <5>
    02-17 19:05:27.924 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Starting task SmartInstall <0x7fbd56a25300> execution
    02-17 19:05:27.924 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Task SmartInstall <0x7fbd56a25300>: new subtask is CheckBundle <0>
    02-17 19:05:27.924 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Task SmartInstall <0x7fbd56a25300>: new subtask is StartSmartInstall <1>
    02-17 19:05:27.924 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Starting task ClientCheckForProductUpdate <0x7fbd56a267c0> execution
    02-17 19:05:27.924 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Task ClientCheckForProductUpdate <0x7fbd56a267c0>: new subtask is ShowProgress <1>
    02-17 19:05:27.940 F [APP_RESUME] /gui:436:707/ Normal ordering and drawing: has resume data, front process
    02-17 19:05:27.960 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Task ClientCheckForProductUpdate <0x7fbd56a267c0>: new subtask is CheckForUpdates <3>
    02-17 19:05:27.960 F /PrlGui:436:707/ Update command : "/Volumes/Parallels Desktop 10/Parallels Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/prl_updater_ctl" check --update desktop -i -ud -nr
    02-17 19:05:27.963 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Starting task LaunchUpdater <0x7fbd55b21dc0> execution
    02-17 19:05:27.963 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Task LaunchUpdater <0x7fbd55b21dc0>: new subtask is GetProxyInfo <0>
    02-17 19:05:27.963 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Starting task GetProxyInfo <0x7fbd535e6f50> execution
    02-17 19:05:27.967 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Task GetProxyInfo <0x7fbd535e6f50>: new subtask is DetectServer <0>
    02-17 19:05:27.969 I /PrlGui:436:707/ Mac Help initialization results : sucess = 1 : helpBookName == Parallels Desktop Help
    02-17 19:05:27.969 F /gui:436:707/ handleInputSourceShortcutChanged. Type = 764
    02-17 19:05:27.969 F /gui:436:707/ nKeyCode = 31, nModifiers = 100000 nDirection = 0 bEnabled = 0
    02-17 19:05:27.969 F /gui:436:707/ nKeyCode = 31, nModifiers = 180000 nDirection = 1 bEnabled = 0
    02-17 19:05:27.978 I /PrlGui:436:707/ no proxy detected for url 'http://update.parallels.com/desktop/v10/parallels/parallels_updates.xml'
    02-17 19:05:27.992 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Task GetProxyInfo <0x7fbd535e6f50>: new subtask is DetectCredentials <1>
    02-17 19:05:27.998 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Finishing task GetProxyInfo <0x7fbd535e6f50> with RC = 00000000 [PRL_ERR_SUCCESS]
    02-17 19:05:27.998 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Task LaunchUpdater <0x7fbd55b21dc0>: new subtask is Launch <1>
    02-17 19:05:28.261 F /prl_updater_ctl:438:707/ You have the latest version of the Parallels Software.
    02-17 19:05:28.276 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Finishing task LaunchUpdater <0x7fbd55b21dc0> with RC = 00000000 [PRL_ERR_SUCCESS]
    02-17 19:05:28.279 I /PrlGui:436:707/ Updater execution has finished with result [0] exit code [4] and exit status [0]
    02-17 19:05:28.279 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Finishing task ClientCheckForProductUpdate <0x7fbd56a267c0> with RC = 00000000 [PRL_ERR_SUCCESS]
    02-17 19:05:28.279 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Finishing task SmartInstall <0x7fbd56a25300> with RC = 00000000 [PRL_ERR_SUCCESS]
    02-17 19:05:28.279 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Task StartApplication <0x7fbd533665b0>: new subtask is InitializeAppBundle <7>
    02-17 19:05:28.280 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Starting task InitializeAppBundle <0x7fbd526238a0> execution
    02-17 19:05:28.280 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Task InitializeAppBundle <0x7fbd526238a0>: new subtask is ShowEULA <1>
    02-17 19:05:28.286 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Starting task ShowEULA <0x7fbd52626be0> execution
    02-17 19:05:28.289 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Task ShowEULA <0x7fbd52626be0>: new subtask is CheckEULAVersion <0>
    02-17 19:05:28.294 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Task ShowEULA <0x7fbd52626be0>: new subtask is ShowEULA <1>
    02-17 19:05:28.311 F /PrlGui:436:707/ Deleting <0x7fbd535ee890>
    02-17 19:10:27.934 I [APP_UPDATE] /PrlGui:436:707/ Is it time to check for updates?
    02-17 19:10:27.934 I [APP_UPDATE] /PrlGui:436:707/ Check updates timeout: 3600000 msec
    02-17 19:10:27.934 I [APP_UPDATE] /PrlGui:436:707/ It's not time to check for updates yet, skipping...
    02-17 19:10:56.424 F /gui:436:707/ Application should terminate...
    02-17 19:10:56.424 F [APP_QUIT] /gui:436:707/ Start closing application...
    02-17 19:10:56.424 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Starting task RemoveAppContext <0x7fbd57909d10> execution
    02-17 19:10:56.424 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Task RemoveAppContext <0x7fbd57909d10>: new subtask is CheckAppCloseBlockers <0>
    02-17 19:10:56.424 F /gui:436:707/ Application quit canceled - Bundle Initialization
    02-17 19:10:56.426 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Finishing task RemoveAppContext <0x7fbd57909d10> with RC = 80000275 [PRL_ERR_OPERATION_WAS_CANCELED]
    02-17 19:10:59.531 F /gui:436:707/ Application should terminate...
    02-17 19:10:59.531 F [APP_QUIT] /gui:436:707/ Start closing application...
    02-17 19:10:59.531 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Starting task RemoveAppContext <0x7fbd57909c70> execution
    02-17 19:10:59.531 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Task RemoveAppContext <0x7fbd57909c70>: new subtask is CheckAppCloseBlockers <0>
    02-17 19:10:59.531 F /gui:436:707/ Application quit canceled - Bundle Initialization
    02-17 19:10:59.531 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Finishing task RemoveAppContext <0x7fbd57909c70> with RC = 80000275 [PRL_ERR_OPERATION_WAS_CANCELED]
    02-17 19:11:20.208 F [APP_QUIT] /gui:436:707/ Terminate signal received
    02-17 19:11:20.209 F [APP_QUIT] /gui:436:707/ Start closing application...
    02-17 19:11:20.209 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Starting task RemoveAppContext <0x7fbd55b0c480> execution
    02-17 19:11:20.209 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Task RemoveAppContext <0x7fbd55b0c480>: new subtask is CheckAppCloseBlockers <0>
    02-17 19:11:20.209 F /gui:436:707/ Application quit canceled - Bundle Initialization
    02-17 19:11:20.209 F /AbstractTask:436:707/ Finishing task RemoveAppContext <0x7fbd55b0c480> with RC = 80000275 [PRL_ERR_OPERATION_WAS_CANCELED]
  7. Manoj@Parallels

    Manoj@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

    Hi Ewen-Cameron,
    Please submit a Problem Report ID http://kb.parallels.com/9058 and provide us the ID number here, so that we can assist you better.
  8. Ewen_Cameron

    Ewen_Cameron Junior Member

    Parallels Ver 10 does not finish installing and freezes before finishing, so I am unable to provide a Problem Report.
    I have now wiped my system of every parallels file I could find and tried re-installing from various downloads about 8 times trying various options, please see my other post.

    The only files that Parallels manages to install before freezing are shown below (in the blue section)...
    It is not installing the required files to function, although as previously stated the version 9 installer does work.


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