lost shared networking with 10.5.2/XP PRO
Okay, like several others, I lost shared networking connectivity after applying 10.5.2. OSX updates. I could change Parallels to use the airport ethernet connection and that would work just fine, but on occasion, I use a Verizon AirCard on my MBP and I only get a SINGLE IP address, so I really needed shared networking.
I read all the suggestions from this thread and none fixed the problem. I then noted that in OSX, system preferences, network that the Parallels NAT adapter had a strange status. Rather than indicating "connected" as I expected, it was indicated that it had a "self assigned IP address" and might not be able to connect. I knew that looked suspect. I tried turning off IPv4 config, then an apply, then turn it back to USE DHCP, then an apply, but that resulted in the same weird status.
I then went into Parallels Preferences, Network and turned off DHCP scope. I shutdown windoz and quit Parallels and then restarted Parallels, reboot of windoz. At first nothing changed, but then I remembered to go back into OSX Preferences, Network and check the Parallels NAT adapter. I set IPv4 config to off, then applied, then turned it back to USE DHCP, then another apply. This time, BINGO. The Parallels NAT adapter pulled a valid IP address from the range allowed within the Parallels Preference, Network settings. I then verified that windoz was now working in shared and sure enough it was working. Just to be sure, I have completely shutdown XP, Parallels, and OSX and did a complete reboot and shared networking is still working.
So, it looks like that after 10.5.2. updates were applied, something happened that broke Parallels NAT adapter's ability to pull a valid IP address. Turning off DHCP scope in Parallels, Preference, Network, then a shutdown of Parallels, then a relaunch of Parallels , turning back on Parallels, Preference, Network DHCP Scope, then a relaunch of windoz fixed the problem.
3/27/08: Just an update to confirm that I have not had any additional issues with shared networking. Over the past few days, I have rebooted XP and OSX several times with no ill effects.
Last edited: Mar 27, 2008