12.1 kills ram allocation >8gb for non PRO version?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by MacSpanner, Nov 11, 2016.

  1. patricek

    patricek Bit poster

    I encourage you all to write to management, spread the word, make sure this doesn't get lost in the sauce. If it's truly not a bug, we should AT THE VERY LEAST either get a free upgrade to the pro edition OR simply get a refund...

    $99 subscription and you pull this @%#@...Seriously Parallels...Shame on you. You've crippled my work, corrupted my data and ask for more bucks.

    If this doesn't get resolved soon, we should all file an issue (just to start) with the Consumer Protection Agency.
  2. HywelJ

    HywelJ Bit poster

    This update is more like ransomware. Parallels are now preventing me from accessing my original VM until I hand over £35.
    I've had Parallels since version 8 and paid to upgrade every year, this feels more like extortion. Its a cheap shot and a poor way to treat your loyal customer base. :mad:
  3. patricek

    patricek Bit poster

    I just found my old 12.0x download. How did the "downgrade" go for you? Was it pretty seamless with an existing VM (I have win10) or did you have to create a new one. I'm also asking cause I noticed 12.1 installs a new version of tools etc...
  4. emiko

    emiko Member

    I, also got hit by tis nasty sale tactics. As I could not find the older installation file at that point, I had to revert back to my prevous disk image which I created with Carbon Copy Cloner.
    I then took an opportunity to fill a customer (dis)satisfaction survey which paralles semt me last week, and told them excatly how I felt after crashng Windows and 2 hours of rescue operation. :mad:
    I suggest everyone to do the same, to let Parallels to know that we are quite upset about this nasty update.
    Later, I foud there are several download links for the ver 12.02 on the net. Some sites looks suspicios, but this one looks OK (http://www.downloadcrew.com/article/1067-parallels_desktop_for_mac).
    I recommend using AppCleaner to remove 12.1 completely and reinstall 12.02.
    Now I am considering to switch over VMWare Fusion - all of their editions are 64GB RAM limit, very generous.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2016
  5. patricek

    patricek Bit poster

    A most despicable Sales tactic indeed!

    Even more conspicuous since Parallels Support and Management are NOT responding.
    Some marketing genius apparently believes they have the license to change the sales agreement willy-nilly. Updating your documentation after the fact will hardly fool us either. Especially when there are tons of KB articles from Parallels addressing optimal cpu core and memory configuration with not a whisper of a limitation in the standard product.

    PRO will let you "upscale" to 16 vcores and 64GB, that already barely passed as a great sales feature. I was even inclined to bite, but not anymore...

    If there is no "movement" on this issue within the next few days, I for one will move to either Fusion or Oracle while demanding a prompt refund.

    I suggest you all do the same...
  6. EWTHeckman

    EWTHeckman Member

    For the record (and I pointed this out earlier), after reverting back to 12.0.2, I checked it's documentation. That "Pro feature" is documented in the "Help" documentation. So they didn't update it at the same time they released this offensive version 12.1.

    But it's still intensely shady that they buried such an important point where no one will see it (except for the 0.01 percent of users that actually read entire user manuals).
    JefersonA likes this.
  7. baldrik

    baldrik Bit poster

    It is not mentioned at all in the version comparisons at the point of purchase shady does not begin cover it.
  8. patricek

    patricek Bit poster

    This KB http://kb.parallels.com/en/123296 states differences between PRO and Standard. And those of us (like you) who debated over the benefits of either edition were aware of the "enhanced" performance support for an additional cost. But is there mention anywhere of the specific 4 virtual core/8GB memory limit before 12.1? I couldn't find one...Did you find that in 12.02 docs?
    Even if it is (and we all missed it), the fact remains, the app shipped with full (native) core support for YEARS and until 12.1. User manuals and screenshots displayed 4+ cores and 8GB+ ram configurations for years. Our yearly subscriptions cover fixes and enhancements NOT reduced functionality. What else do they have up their sleeves...
  9. WiseHacker

    WiseHacker Bit poster

    For those of you thinking of installing the latest Parallels update, there seems to be a new restriction that doesn't appear to be documented.

    I just found out the hard way that the new update now limits the maximum CPU count of a virtual machine to 4 CPUs and limits the memory to 8 GB.

    So if you are among the minority, like me, who use Parallels desktop for large VMs on a Mac Pro, do not update to the latest version.

    I honestly hope that is a bug as I do not need nor wish to purchase the professional edition to have a feature that used to be standard.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2016
  10. EWTHeckman

    EWTHeckman Member

    Good find.

    Did you mean "unaware"?

    I don't have a PDF for 12.0.2, but I did find it in the help files which are part of the application package. To see it, open the Configure window for one of your VM's and go to the Hardware - CPU & Memory page. When you click the help button it will open to the page labelled "CPU and Memory". There are two links at the top that say "See how many processors are allocated to Windows" and "Set how much memory is allocated to Windows". Each of those linked pages documents the limitations of the Standard version.

    Agreed. I'm still angry even after the weekend is over and despite the fact that it was easy for me to revert to 12.0.2 because of how I do backups.
  11. Lone Wolf

    Lone Wolf Junior Member

  12. WiseHacker

    WiseHacker Bit poster

    Count me as another user surprised but this new "feature"; noticed this thread after posting my own warning in the General Discussion.

    Thank life for me using a Time Machine and reverting back to 12.0.2.

    My guess is we are in the minority thus the developers though they could insert this restriction without many noticing. And to a degree, they'd be right but at the same time this is wrong.

    Like others, I'm thinking of migrating to Virtual Box and even Parallels' main competitor, VMware; who I used to use religiously on my Windows box before going Mac.

    If Parallels doesn't want people dumping the product in doves, they will need to remove this restriction as it is unwelcome and will not provide incentive to those to upgrade to the Pro edition.
  13. StephenA5

    StephenA5 Bit poster

    I downgraded using Time Machine. Just replace the 12.1 executable with the previous version, reboot and ignore any prompts to install the upgrade again. Back to using 16 CPUs. This is the greed...pure and simple. They want an annual subscription ball and chain around your ankle to increase revenue. Not doing it.
  14. BarryR

    BarryR Junior Member

    This is the kind of business practice that ruins businesses. Its not like there are not alternatives. I've been a Mac Parallels Desktop "subscriber" all the way back to v4.0. I can't count the number of times I've "Sold" Parallels Desktop to my colleagues who moved to OS X. For a company to retroactively cripple previously working features (and furthermore, to do so without plain, open, and alerted notification none-the-less) is utter BS, and speaks volumes about the ethical mindset of the business's management or ownership. Yesterday I've moved to VM Ware Fusion 8.5, and imported my Windows 7 VM without issue. It works great, and no limitations. I had no issue paying for the "cross-grade", and ethically have no issue paying VM Ware the money (instead of additional $$ to Parallels) due to Parallels complete lack of respect for loyal customers.

    I had an inkling that Parallels was run by this kind of ethically challenged management previously with some of their other questionable practices. (Parallels Access subscription priced at $79/anually anyone? Remember? They had a perfectly running remote App that was part of the Parallels desktop, and then PURPOSELY deactivated it even for older versions of Parallels when they came out with Parallels Access. It appears that after getting all kinds of feedback, they then lowered the price to $25/annually. You would think that they would have learned a lesson there, but (sigh), apparently not.) The perception is that Parallels is run by scumbags who perceive their loyal customers as suckers. In business is is NEVER acceptable to bite the hand that feeds you!

    Anyway, I'm moving on now... I would suggest that others take note of the situation, and make your own decision about what kind of companies you want to support...
    HywelJ likes this.
  15. BarryR

    BarryR Junior Member

    Mostly no issues. It was a little funky with the HD selection, but I figured it out. (Had to manually add the HD to the VM after the import completed). I imported both Win 10 and Win 7 Pro VMs. Win 10 VM won't activate with Microsoft (want me to buy a new license key), but Win 7 Pro VM activate fine. (I suspect that is because I used the original Win 7 VM to upgrade to the Free Win 10 VM earlier this year...). For my purposes, Windows 7 is fine for now.
  16. BarryR

    BarryR Junior Member

    Whomever at Parallels responsible for this strategy should be outed, and held accountable.
  17. BarryR

    BarryR Junior Member

    Damn straight. On principle, I would FAR prefer to give any additional $$ to VM Ware on a "cross-grade" deal, than give ANY more $$ to Parallels. This is the kind of thing (and "THINK") I would FIRE people over. What company in the world would be OK with this kind of reputation tarnishing? Right..one who doesn't give a crap because they don't respect their customers. THAT kind of company is one I personally can do without.
    WiseHacker likes this.
  18. BarryR

    BarryR Junior Member

    Thanks for the link. I'll update to that one as soon as I get a chance. In the meantime my "downgrade" to the original 12 release seems OK... I just "upgraded" over the update with the original 12 release version.
  19. JaredW1

    JaredW1 Bit poster

    This just happened to me today as well. This is ridiculous... from my support chat today:
    We apologize for any inconvenience. On some Mac computers, several features of Parallels Desktop for Mac Pro Edition were available for use by Standard Edition users. The issue was fixed in the latest update (12.1.0) and as a result, you may have lost this functionality. The difference in the amount of memory and vCPU quantity that can be assigned to a virtual machine in different Parallels Desktop for Mac editions is documented in the Parallels Desktop User's Guide (http://download.parallels.com/desktop/v12/docs/en_US/Parallels Desktop User's Guide.pdf): page 100 and 127 respectively.​

    Page 100 and 127? Really? Plus they won't refund my upgrade to Parallels 12 so I can buy the "Pro" so I end up paying for both? It seems like extortion and a dirty business practice.

  20. MarkM7

    MarkM7 Member

    The fact that Parallels haven't responded about removing functionality speaks volumes ! They have lost me as a customer unless they reverse this decision !
    WiseHacker likes this.

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