2 things to know before you use p8 and w8 x64 on a retina mac

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by pkofman@rogers.com, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. pkofman@rogers.com

    pkofman@rogers.com Member

    I am using w8 x64 with a macbook pro with a retina screen
    I have had it for more than 30 days so i cant get support without paying so here are a few things that are a problems and before you waste your time ( as i did ) you might want to consider them before purchase

    1 I was not able to install p8 as a boot camp partition
    I had to do that with a vm. I tried as a boot camp partition and wasted lots of time
    The tech guys did not know you could not do this so we both wasted lots of time working on trying to get it to work and it never did
    we finally got the w8 x64 working under as a vm only

    2 Coherence and the retina display do not work with w8 very well
    my graphics are all messed up with w8 x64 and there seems to be no update coming on this.
    My graphics are often a jumble , even using the settings for retina

    3 Keyboard shortcuts in the VM do not work
    I have tons of trouble getting windows shortcut or the posted vm/windows 8 short cuts to work properly
    My experience is that w8 does not work properly with retina and vm and is trouble when trying to use them

    I thought i would share these problems so that hopefully it might save someone a little time by having this info before you spend hours chasing the same issues
  2. Clarke76

    Clarke76 Bit poster

    I had issues with Win 8 x64 and boot camp using parallels 8 as well. Issue was hyper v. I uninstalled hyper v and now can boot into win 8 on boot camp. I actually figured it out because of an error Fusion was giving me (testing out since I couldn't boot camp working). Error it gave me led me to parallels form with fix, and back to using parallels.


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