2011 Macbook Pro Best Configuration

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Alessandro_, Sep 20, 2011.

  1. Alessandro_

    Alessandro_ Bit poster

    Hello everyone,

    just wanted to open a thread to share our feedbacks on PD7 configurations on our Macbook's.
    My system is:

    Macbook Pro 2011
    Quad-Core 2.2 i7
    8 Gb 1333 DDR3 Ram
    128 Gb SSD Drive

    PD Configuration, i assigned to the VM the following:
    4 Cores
    4 Gb Ram
    Set to "Best Performance to the VM"

    I just installed PD7 and it is running very smooth, just i'm pretty annoyed by that little flickering i get when i drag windows applications around. Anyone else noticing this? I think it should really fly with my actual setup.
    Please leave any feedback on that,
  2. MarceloG

    MarceloG Bit poster

    that happens with me also, but only on coherence mode... on a window it doesn't...
  3. Alessandro_

    Alessandro_ Bit poster

    Very weird isn't it? I wish someone from Parallels could tell us if the problem may be the 1Gb Ram we're dedicating to the VM.
    Also, the animations when i minimize a window in full screen mode is very laggy, and i think it shouldn't with this setup.
    Any feedback welcome.

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