Hello everyone, just wanted to open a thread to share our feedbacks on PD7 configurations on our Macbook's. My system is: Macbook Pro 2011 Quad-Core 2.2 i7 8 Gb 1333 DDR3 Ram 128 Gb SSD Drive PD Configuration, i assigned to the VM the following: 4 Cores 4 Gb Ram Hyper-whatever Set to "Best Performance to the VM" I just installed PD7 and it is running very smooth, just i'm pretty annoyed by that little flickering i get when i drag windows applications around. Anyone else noticing this? I think it should really fly with my actual setup. Please leave any feedback on that, Thanks.
Very weird isn't it? I wish someone from Parallels could tell us if the problem may be the 1Gb Ram we're dedicating to the VM. Also, the animations when i minimize a window in full screen mode is very laggy, and i think it shouldn't with this setup. Any feedback welcome.