2X Client and iOS 7 causes re-clicks of mouse taps

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for iOS' started by abarylak, Feb 19, 2014.

  1. abarylak

    abarylak Junior Member

    I have noticed ever since iOS 7 was released that the 2X Client causes re-clicks of you last taped location randomly while panning around the screen. I have noticed this mainly when using the RDP style connection. I can readily reproduce this by tapping on an application in my taskbar, then panning up to that application and around a bit only to see that application disappear again due to the re-click and the application therefore got minimized.

    I have reported this many times already and at least 2 new versions of the app have been released since I first reported it and it still is not fixed.

    Has anyone else seen this issue and reported it? I hope that starting this forum topic may get a little more notice than me just opening a support case that seems to get ignored.

    However, I'm not holding out much hope since the Ctrl issue still isn't fixed and that has been posted here for almost 2 years now. Hopefully some of these basic bugs can be fixed soon.
  2. EverGoMilk

    EverGoMilk Bit poster

    For your Ctrl key issue, I believe that the virtual keyboards available from Settings-Keyboard Locale provide all keyboard functionality including support for Bluetooth devices. These have been present since last years update.
  3. jpc

    jpc Pro

    Are you referring to this Ctrl issue?
  4. abarylak

    abarylak Junior Member

    Yes, my last comment about the Ctrl issue is referring to that issue. However, my issue is a little more troublesome for me when the app will re-click the mouse while i am panning around the screen. And this is not clicking where i am touching in order to pan. I may not have made this clear in my initial post, but the taskbar is clearly not visible on my iPhone screen while i am panning and the click occurs which minimizes the window i was looking at.

    As i stated before, i have opened up 2 cases regarding this (1 after iOS 7 was released, and 1 after the first update after iOS 7). Now there has been a second update since iOS 7 was released, and this is still a problem on my iPhone 5s with iOS 7. Is there any record of this as a bug in your system or an ETA as to when this may be resolved?

    Any information will be appreciated. Thanks.
  5. EverGoMilk

    EverGoMilk Bit poster

    Nobody has previously reported this re-click issue, so thank you for your raising it here.
    A fix has been developed and should be included in the next update within six weeks.
  6. abarylak

    abarylak Junior Member

    That surprises me that the support tickets that i raised were never fully reported as bugs.

    Thank you very much for addressing this issue and I am looking forward to the next update. Thanks!

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