2x Client for Anroid can only be used with VDS version 9.0

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Android' started by naushad_khan, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. naushad_khan

    naushad_khan Guest

    Getting the following error while connecting with 2x Anroid client.

    2x Client for Anroid can only be used with VDS version 9.0 or above.
    Please contact your System Administrator
  2. zippo

    zippo Pro

    are you connecting to an 8.1 server?
    enable the server side log please
  3. cruiser80

    cruiser80 Guest

    Re: 2x Client for Anroid can only be used with VDS version 9

    i to am having the same issue.
    yes we as a company are still loading V8.1 on servers as we have experienced client printing issues with V10.
    as for the log file there are no entries in the log file as the android device does not even try to connect.

    Regs Wayne
  4. woqz

    woqz Hunter

    Re: 2x Client for Anroid can only be used with VDS version 9

    if the client prompts that it can only connect with v9 and above, I dont think there is much you can do on v8 unfortunately.

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