2X Clients cannot launch published applications

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by th_profits, Jul 16, 2010.

  1. th_profits

    th_profits Guest

    We have had 2x SMB up and running for 6 months with no problems. It is used by a remote office to access an application in head office on a terminal server. Everything worked perfectly until last week when the service provider for connection between the two offices changed. Now the 2X client won't launch an application directly, instead, when the application is selected, the server desktop appears without the taskbar. I was not involved in the change to the new service provider so not sure what changes were made here - I've been asked to fix this problem. Remote Desktop connections are working as normal. What's really strange is that connections from machines on the lan where the server resides seem to work normally with 2x client.

    I've been tearing my hair out on this one, appreciate any assistance.
  2. zippo

    zippo Pro

    I dont think the problem is directly related to this. Were there any changes on the terminal server?
    Do the following test:

    Configure a Terminal server connection fro 2X client and set a startup application 'notepad.exe'
    When deployed you should get a full desktop no taskbar with notepad opened.

    Post your results here
  3. th_profits

    th_profits Guest


    Sorry for the delay. I am trying to replicate the problem however the issue appears to only occur at the remote site and I am having difficulty getting on to one of those machines. When I try your test above on the network local to the ApplicationServer, there's no problem - notepad opens as if it were an application. I will try to get hold of one of the desktops at the remote site - is there any client side setting that could be causing this behaviour?
  4. zippo

    zippo Pro

    If the shell is not able to start (memshell.exe) after 5 seconds from when the connection is established the client will show the full desktop.
    The only time I encountered this was when the server was not activated and the activation windows were shown.

    Client side, if everything is correctly configured and using the latest 2X Client should not effect.
    The problem should reside on the server.
  5. th_profits

    th_profits Guest

    That might be where the problem is, whatever method the remote machines are using to connect is possibly taking too long. Will look into that, thanks.
  6. zippo

    zippo Pro

    also what happens once you are connected.. does the session closes after about 25 seconds.
    If this is so your application is taking too long to start.
    you can modify this timeout from the 2x managment console.
  7. th_profits

    th_profits Guest

    The application is web-based and is accessed via Internet Explorer, so there should not be such a delay. When you say "does the session close" - do you mean does the 2X client shut down? If that's what you mean, then no, the desktop remains visible. Otherwise, how can I tell if the application is closing? I will try modifying the timeout to test.
  8. th_profits

    th_profits Guest

    Actually just noticed a setting in there that loads the desktop after 5 seconds if the application has not loaded. Increased this to 60, will advise findings.
  9. th_profits

    th_profits Guest

    Hi there,

    Still getting no further with this. I have a change from previous posts - now I can't connect using 2X client at all from remote machines however machines on the LAN connect normally. Using remote desktop I can log on normally using the IP address of the terminal server. However, the 2x client will not connect. When I load the client, it displays all of the published applications however will not connect when I double click one.

    Would appeciate any help
  10. zippo

    zippo Pro

    ensure that client is set in gateway mode.
    then clear the server side logs, try again and post the logs.
    i think you have a networkingissue.
  11. th_profits

    th_profits Guest

    see attached. Tend to agree however cannot understand why Remote Desktop works perfectly. Are there ports other than the 2000x ports that need to be open on firewall?
  12. zippo

    zippo Pro

    From the log it seems that the clientis not configured correctly.
    The log shows that the connection is either comming from a non 2X Client or the client was configured with a terminal server connection.

    You need to configure a 2X Connection on the client. Make sure that the connection is configured in "Gateway MODE'

    As regards to the firewall you need to open only the gateway port which by default is 80.
  13. th_profits

    th_profits Guest


    The connection was from a 2X client - not sure how else I could have connected...It is setup via gateway mode. I'll have another look shortly and post screenshots of how it is configured
  14. th_profits

    th_profits Guest

    Please see below screenshot of settings. Please advise anything else I should check
  15. th_profits

    th_profits Guest

    Even stranger - I've just discovered that if a connection is open with Remote Desktop, 2x works as normal (i.e. if Remote Desktop client is logged on to the Terminal Server)
  16. zippo

    zippo Pro


    I did not quite understand you last comment but please update the 2x client you are using an old version.
  17. th_profits

    th_profits Guest

    See below screenshot from updates option in 2x client. What I meant was that if I open a remote desktop session with the same login credentials as are configured in 2x client and keep it open (minimised), then the 2x client connects normally and launches the application as normal.
  18. zippo

    zippo Pro


    what do you mean? I think this isssue got too complex for a forum, please contact support especially if you have a support contract.

    For what I see it should work like this a client can connect from anywhere irrispective is he/she are teleworkers, at the office, on the same network or connecting through a VPN. your issue can be either misconfiguration or something worng with a user profile. The information provided is not enough to understand what is wrong.
    Support would benefit from logs to understand what is going on

    good luck


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